Chapter 16 - Possesive

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"Good." Bakugo smirked as he gently gripped Izuku's chin.

He studied the smaller male and felt pride continuing to swell inside his chest. The omega wore an attractive, natural flush...the kind that only genuine physical pleasure and excitement could've given him. Katsuki liked the way Midoriya's dark freckles stood out against the rosy color in his cheeks.

He tightened his grip just enough to earn a cute gasp from the omega. Izuku's lips parted, his eyes never leaving Bakugo's. The alpha knew the two of them needed to clean up, to leave the bed, but he wanted to savor the sight in front of him. The longer he stared, the better he felt. He'd satisfied an omega. Confidence rushed through the larger male in steady waves while Izuku purred in his grasp.


Katsuki brushed the damp hair back from Midoriya's brow. "What is it omega?"

"Sh-should I go? To clean up?"

Bakugo had all but forgotten their situation. Dealing with a little discomfort and stickiness seemed like a small price to pay to remain in bed together. But he wanted his omega to be happy, comfortable, cared for, and that meant letting the smaller male clean up.

The alpha nuzzled Izuku's cheek and growled softly. "Go. I'll be here."

Midoriya's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected tenderness. "Yes alpha." He breathed.

The omega moved slowly, carefully, as he climbed off the bed. His legs felt week and he was still slightly dizzy from the prolonged exposure to Katsuki's pheromones. His knees nearly buckled but he managed to steady himself just as the alpha began to move towards him.

"You ok?" Bakugo asked.

Izuku chuckled and cupped his forehead. "Yeah. Just a little out of it I think."

The alpha smirked. "Kinda like you like this nerd."

Midoriya blushed harder. As much as he wanted to stay in the small room and continue eyeing Katsuki's bare skin, he wasn't sure he could tolerate the feeling of semen under his clothes any longer.

"Back in a minute." He smiled at the alpha before finally forcing himself to walk out into the hall.

The second Izuku was out of sight, Bakugo eased onto his back and ran his hands over his face.

Holy shit. Did that just fucking happen? Did we fucking finish?

Even though he'd witnessed the omega's climax up close, it was still staggering to know that he was the driving force behind it. Bakugo blew out a breath, his mind still reeling.

How'd we get here?

When the alpha made the decision to go to Izuku's house, he didn't have a solid plan in mind. He certainly hadn't planned on what they'd wound up doing, or laying a claim to the omega afterwards.

It was as if his instincts had taken control, driving every decision, every action. But he couldn't deny the incredible satisfaction he experienced when Izuku agreed to the claim.

"My omega." He breathed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling.

Bakugo wasn't sure what would happen next; if he'd made a mistake or not. The only thing he knew for certain was that he wanted to spend more time with the smaller male; as much time as possible. He'd grown addicted to the omega's scent, skin, and sounds. As he lay resting on Izuku's bed, the alpha knew that he wouldn't be able to tolerate being away from Midoriya for very long.

Fuck. What did you do? What if you can't handle this?

But the sudden fears seemed to dissolve just as quickly as they'd surfaced in his mind.

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