Chapter 14

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I opened the door for Camilo and he seemed upset, he said he was fine though so I left the house and headed to the shop.

As I was leaving I gave Estefan a death glare to signal to him that he better not mention how me and Camilo are 'in love' because he's convinced that we are.

Nobody really seemed to be out today, even in the more populated areas of town. I walk into my shop and search through all the shelves to find the books I decided on back at home.

I finally find them both, along with some new books for myself, and I check out before heading on my way.

It was still only around five and the sun hadn't started setting yet so I decided I'd just grab something to eat and have some alone time.

I found a little food booth and ordered some arepas and a cup of water. I wait around and a few minutes later they call out my order so I grab it and start looking around for somewhere to sit.

I eventually find a nice small bench around the town centre and I sit down zoning out, staring off into the distance while subconsciously taking bites of my arepas.


We decided to watch crappy horror movies with the lights off, we made a deal and whoever screamed first owed the other person $10.

I think I have a bit of an unfair advantage since I'm almost sixteen and I'm fully aware that vampires and giant slime monsters don't actually exist, but he's still a kid and probably scared out of his mind. 

We decided to make popcorn which was a bit chaotic as we both have people that usually cook everything for us. We ended up spilling melted butter all over the floor and I burned my hand cause I touched the stove after forgetting that I turned it on.

We got it made eventually and he sat down while I cleaned up the giant mess we made, we used like half the salt since we had to retry about three times before we actually got it right.

I left a $5 bill on the counter with a note that said, "sorry about the salt - camilo :)" 

We went through the whole house making sure every light was off and we grabbed a bunch of blankets and pillows from wherever we could.

We scrolled through all the movies they had until we chose one, the quality was awful but that was what we were going for so we started it up.

Every second I watched made me want to gauge my eyes out with a fork, it was the worst movie I had ever seen.

I got scared once, not from the movie, but from Estefan randomly staring at me and saying,

"So what's the deal with you and my sister?" 

I nearly choked on my popcorn, it was just a shock since it came so randomly. I accidentally shape-shifted into him, the main character of the movie, Estella, and then back into myself.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" I rolled my eyes as he laughed at my rapid-shifting.

"Like are you two gonna get married or what?" he sighs and shoves popcorn into his mouth.

I immediately start rapid-shifting into about twenty different people before coughing out,

"Excuse me?" I widen my eyes at him and he just shrugs.

"I know you aren't dating, but you guys just seem like a couple." He keeps shoveling popcorn in his face.

"Listen your sister and I are just friends, what do you even mean when you say we seem like a couple?" Estefan shrugs and lets out an 'oh well' before giving his full attention back to the movie.

I go back to watching but my brain is elsewhere, what is it with all this dating stuff recently? Can't I just live my life? I feel like this week has just been one big prank on me from the universe. Oh well. 

My mind has just been replaying todays events, it feels like it's been a month but it's all just been one day. Less than twenty four hours. 

I feel like I've been awake for a year, but for some reason I'm not very tired.

God, today was a train wreck. So much happened in such a short amount of time.

My mind felt foggy all day, I was distracted for a while because of Estefan but now it's back at it again. My thoughts all feel jumbled up, like they were written all over a piece paper neatly but then crumpled up into a ball.

I keep trying to avert my focus back to the movie but I just cant keep my brain straight anymore.


The sun began to set and I made my way back home. I wish I had gone to the woods like I usually do, but I'm glad I could get the gift. 

I opened the door to my house and both Estefan and Camilo scream like little girls. I stand in the doorframe laughing at them before flicking on a light, they both seem to sigh in relief after seeing my face.

Camilo seemed to be in a better mood, Estefan looked traumatized. 

They both got up and started talking about everything they did, Estefan went on a long rant about how terrifying the monster in the movie was. I was trying my hardest not to laugh at his expressions and the movements he was making to try to show me what went down in certain scenes.

Eventually they finish telling me everything, Estefan goes up to his room and Camilo apologizes for the nightmares the movie is probably going to give to Estefan.

"Yeah it was a crappy movie but he was scared out of his mind the entire time." Camilo rubbed the back of his neck and I laughed a bit since Estefan always says he can handle scary movies but he's the one that ends up begging to turn it off after ten minutes.

"He's always been scared easily, he's really jumpy at loud noises and no matter how much he's told something isn't real, he doesn't believe it and stays convinced. He still thinks the tooth fairy is real." I love spilling secrets and embarrassing my brother, I mean, I'm his older sister, its basically my job.

Camilo tilted his head a bit, "Loud noises? Usually the parties we have are pretty loud, do you want me to ask if we can be more quiet this year? I can tell my parents not to set off the fireworks if that will help?" 

"Oh no it's fine, he'll be okay. If it gets to be too much for him we'll just head back home." I assured him and he nodded his head.

"Alrighty well I have to get back home, see you around." Camilo waves goodbye and leaves.

I go upstairs and throw a pillow at Estefan while asking what he wants for dinner.

After the day I had today I was glad it was finally ending.

mi chica linda // camilo x ocWhere stories live. Discover now