Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Please note I DO NOT own Adventure Time, I owe it all to CN, and let's just get to the Story

Third Person POV:

It was just another normal boring day in the Land of OOO as our heroes, Finn and Jake, sit on the couch with nothing to do...

Finn's POV:

Another day, another reason to stay, If only I didn't write those stupid letters and then I'd still be with FP!

Jake: "Hey Finn"

Finn: "Yeah Jake?"

Jake: "I'll just goto Lady's alright man?"

Finn: "OK"

Jake: "In the meanwhile, find some adventures to do, you're 16 years old already right?"

Finn: "Yeah, I guess"

Jake: "Thanks man, I just don't want to see you all bored and heartbroken on that couch"

Jake's POV:

Finn: "Bye Jake!"

Jake: Bye!"

As I see my bro departing from me to find adventure, I still should consider finding him a new girlfriend tomorrow, he needs someone else, someone like... him... Nah, that can't happen I'm just dreaming, Finn is the only Human anyways.

Finn's POV:

I've been walking around the Plains for a bit and no sign of...?!

Finn: "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! *knocked out*"

Finn:* After a few minutes* "uuuuuuhhhh *coughs* aw man, now I'm down this hole, well I better find a way out of here or I'll starve to death...? *picks up glowing stone* Oh cool."

*A little longer*

Minutes has passed and not a single light source rather than this stone, but what is this? *looks closer*

Finn: "Huh? it's growing brighter at the direction I'm going, maybe it's a way out!"

But I was wrong, the stone is leading me deeper, oh why did I follow the bright stone???? And then a light reflected on the stone, I peeked around the corner to find an old mirror, I could see there was a slot for the stone to go in.

Finn: "Let's do this"

I placed the stone on the slot then the mirror started to get wiggly reflections until I saw someone, but they're not monsters or aliens but rather... humans?

To be continued...

Josh: Who is the person Finn met, will he ever get out of the cave or will he die of starvation?

Stay tuned for "Chapeter 2: Not Alone anymore"!!!

Also note I will appear in the story as well in my own form... YAY!

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