Chapter 7

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"Kyuubi talking"
"Kyuubi thinking"
"Normal talking"
"Normal thinking"



Naruto was again nervous as hell. He would have to face the people he hated most.

The Council.

Present time:

It wasn't a long walk to the Hokage Monument, about 5 minutes. While the group was walking, they heard civilians whispering and pointing to Minato and Kushina, but they paid no attention to them.

Naruto was still holding his mothers hand closely to his chest, making Kushina hear his quick heartbeat. She just pulled him closer to her and ruffled his hair.

"You have nothing to worry about, Sochi. Like i told you before, they can't and won't do anything to you" Minato and Jiraiya nodded their heads, and went back to talking about how to train Naruto in the near future. The toad summoning contract was a must. Tsunsde on the other hand wanted Naruto to sign with the Mountain slugs, because according to her, Lady Katsuyu was already fond of the blond brat.

After they finally made it to the massive red building, they were greeted with two ANBU Black Ops on each side of the double-door.

"Lord Hokage, Lady Kushina, Lady Tsunade the Council and Lord Third are already waiting for your arrival." Said a monotone male voice, whos face was covered by a Bear mask.

"Thank you, Bear, you're both dismissed" Minato nodded and turned towards the other three people.

"Okey, are you ready Naruto? Because if you don't want to go in there, you don't have to" Tsunade nodded at that. She also wasn't very fond of the council.

Naruto stood still for a second before letting out a deep sigh"Fuck i don't want to do this shit, but it has to be fucking done" And with that, they entered the building.

For the most part, it was a long corridor with a few paintings on each side of the wall. While walking to the meeting room, Naruto noticed, that there were multiple doors with different kind of seals placed on them. Most definitely for protection, Naruto thought to himselfe.

Kushina and Tsunade were both quietly having a discussion on what to do to the hospitals in Konaha, they already knew that the the situation was bad and somebody needed to take control.

At the end of the Corridor there was a door with the words Council room written right above it. From what they knew, fugaku and Mikoto should already be in there, so should Lord Third.

Narutos hand hovered over the door handle before he opened it, making everyone inside go deathly quiet. All eyes were on him, but he paid no attention to them, and just looked at the man he considered his grandfather.

The old man looked at Naruto with a sad smile, he knew that he had failed the blond in the past, the only thing he could do was hope that Naruto would forgive him. "Naruto...its good to see you" Sarutobi said blowing smoke out of his pipe.

"Old man, its good to see you again" Naruto said, smiling at the man. Naruto already knew that Sarutobi had done everything he could to take care of him, and had forgiven him long ago, but for the fun of it, Naruto wanted to pretend he was still mad.

The rest of the family had made their way inside as well, causing everyone in the room to go wide-eyed. They hadn't seen the 'Slug princess' in over 15 years. Quiet Whispers spread all around the room, the oblivious civilians were happy that Tsunade was back, and completely missed the icy stare she had given everybody in the room. Only the shinobi saw that, some even started to sweat a little from the amount of KI coming off of her.

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