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I woke up to a woman's voice saying, "Wake up Miss Gilmore. You are expected downstairs in ten minutes," She opened the certains for me.

"Thank you Petra, it is Petra right?" My Grandmother had a new maid every other day, it was hard to keep up.

I walked down the stairs five minutes late, mentally preparing for another lecture on the importance of timing.

I slowly sat down at the dining table. "Good morning, Charlie." Grandma stated, looking a little too happy.

"Oh good Charlie, I got that book you wanted." My Grandfather said. I grabbed a muffin from the table.

"Thanks Grandpa I appreciate it but I have to go," I said.

"You get back here!" Grandma started, " I expect you to be at dinner with Lorelai and Rory tonight."

"But I never have to go to friday night dinners!" I was so confused, I never got along with my sister.

She was a bit self sentered, she insisted on applying to harvard even though it made my Grandparents feel horrible.

I only applied because Headmaster Charleston insisted on everyone applying to atleast four schools but she actually wants to go!

My sister and I are complete opposites, I am a social butterfly I get along with pretty much everyone, Rory is shy and slightly anti social, she can a bit awkward at times.

I am a classic rebelious child you know parties, drinking, sneeking out. Rory is a classic good girl she is all about studying, reading and planning her future.

"No excuses, you are going!" She said.

"Alright, fine but I really have to go!" There was no way I was going to that stupid dinner, I had plans that night that were way more exciting than dinner with my mother!

Grandpa chimmed in, "But if you leave now you'll be an hour early for school!"

"I signed up for a tutoring program so we're all meeting before school." I said, lying through my teeth.

I ran out the door as soon as I could and drove to school.

I walked to the door of the room we had all our meetings in. I knocked on the door. A voice could be heard from inside the room. "What is it?"

"Puffs rule this school don't they? Let me in!" I was a Puff, if you don't know Puffs are the most important society at Chilton.

We practicly ran the school from knowing everything about the students to controling student council. I was the leader of the Puffs, much to Francie's diliking.

A/N ~ I hope you guys like this part. I'll try to post another part in the next week. <33

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