Chapter 4

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I opened the door only to be greeted by about fifteen unfamiliar faces. Theo, his arm still around my neck, walked me inside.

"Charlie, finally you're here." Logan said turning towards me and the boys.

He looked at Theo and his smile faded a little, "This your boyfriend?".

"N- no more like best friends along with Enzo over there," I looked over to Enzo who was already getting a drink.

Theo seemed mad, I nudged him. "Hey c'mon let's go get drinks," I stated looking up at him.

He gave a slight smile, "Yeah, alright sure," he said.

As I was getting some scotch, a guy came up to me. "So you're the one they threw the party for, huh?" He had an accent I wasn't too sure where from, Australia, maybe?

"That would be me yes..." I said, not sure what to say.

Another guy stood stood the other side of me said, "My friend here is a bit of an idiot, I'm Collin." He seemed nice.

"Oh, right sorry m-lady I am Finn." He leaned down and kissed my hand. This guy was getting weirder by the second.

"I'm Charlotte but please never call me that, I mostly just go by Charlie." I stated.

"I have heard some intriguing things about you Charlie," Collin said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh do tell," I chuckled a bit, taking a sip of my drink.

"Well I don't know about Collin here but I heard you're a part of some secret society," Finn stated. I almost choked on my drink, Who told them? Who else knows? Are they messing with me?

My brain was flooded with questions but I had to focus, keep my cool, the whole point of a secret society was the secret part. Show no emotion, deny it, avoid answering any questions.

"Secret society?!? I think you must have me confused with someone else!" I thought that my get them off my trail.

BOY was I wrong!

"Yeah, yeah I know you can't say anything but we just want you to know WE know!" Said Finn. I contemplated it for a second.

I had just met these guys and they seemed to know everything about me.

"I am not in some weird secret society who said that I was?!" I asked desprately.

"Oh uhm... well..." Collin stated suspiciously.

Logan walked over, FINALLY to save me from that conversation. "I'm so sorry for everything my friends have said," He whispered in my ear, "They're a bit drunk at the moment."

I laughed a little, "Yes I can see that."

"We'll be out of your hair soon, we're... taking a trip." he said, suspiciously.

"Oh... um where?" I asked.

"I don't know, one of the other members planned this one," He stated.

"Members of what?" It was getting weird at this point, Logan and his friends seemed harmless but I couldn't help but feel like there was something they had to hide.

"Uh... COLLIN, FINN GET OVER HERE!" Logan yelled.

I was looking confused and I had a feeling they picked up on it.

Finn took one look at me and said, "Logan, you told the girl didn't you?"

Collin chimed in, "Now we have to bring her don't we?"

"Um excuse me, bring me where?" I asked, now completley confused.

Finn answered my question simply with, "Oh we don't know the event wasn't planned by us."

Logan turned to face me, "Pack your things, we should be gone for a couple of days."

Logan had the boys watch over me to make sure I didn't make a run for it, not that I would. I enjoy adventure. After a while, Finn got a call.

He got out the phone and began to talk. "Alright... okay... we'll be down in a minute." He hung up the phone. He gave Collin a mischievous grin as he grabbed my arm.

We rushed down the stairs not caring about the people staring. I noticed Logan holding the the door.

"IN OMNIA PARATUS!" 'Ready for all things' ? I finally had some use for that Latin class I took last year.

We got to the bottom of the stairs only to be stopped by my Grandparents who were looking rather confused. "Charlotte who are your friends?" My Grandfather asked
Finn straightened himself up to turn to my Granparents and say, "Mr and Mrs Gilmore, we promise to have Charlie back in one peace."

"Excuse me?" My Grandmother said.

With that, both boys grabbed my arms, pulling me away, towards the door.

"Charlotte Gilmore don't you dare leave this house," My Grandmother yelled.

"See you later Gandma," I said, a smile on my face as I was dragged out of the door, leaving to go to to an unknown place with three boys I had only just met.

My life was about to get so much more interesting...

A/N ~ Hope you liked this chapter, feel free to leave suggestions of things you want to happen inthe story e.g. Who you want Charlotte to end up with etc. <3

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