Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:

As I was walking through town, I saw the Madrigals helping around so most of the townspeople were gathered around them waiting for the Madrigals to help them. This is my chance. While everyone was distracted, I started walking hoping not to get seen.

The thing is, I don't mind stopping and having a conversation with anyone I see. But with the number of emotions I had bottled up inside me, I was scared I would reveal my secret by accident and I didn't want that to happen.

As I was walking I was trying to process everything that has happened. From waking up this morning to the argument and up to now. The more I thought about it more tears were threatening to fall. I continued my walk at a faster pace and before I knew it I was at the place where all my worries wash away when I'm here.

Looking at the scene that was in front of me, all my emotions hit me like a wrecking ball. Angry tears started to stream down my face as I sat down crying as I watched through my blurry vision the passing river and listened to the birds churning on a nearby tree.

This is the place where I go when I need to get the things bothering me out of my system or just sit and enjoy the nature around me while doing tricks with my gift. I found this place when we moved here eight years ago and it became my secret place where I like to spend most of my time. The best part about it is that no one knows about it.

After getting everything off my chest with tears still streaming down my face, I lifted my hand and let a small flame leave the tip of my finger in the form of a ring. The ring started dancing from finger to finger. The ring turned into a snake that slithered around the palm of my hand.

I eventually stopped crying, but I was still making different shapes and doing tricks with the flames. After some time, I wanted to try a new trick. Just as I was about to release the flame, I heard a branch snapping followed by a small gasp. Who was that?

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