Ch1- The Most Painful Day.

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[Amity POV]

Standing tall above us all. Emperor Belos but now known as Philip Whittebane. His mask cracked and little to no wounds on him. Having someone that doesn't belong to him in his hand. Luz. Almost everyone was tired and drained barely able to stand. Me, Eda, Raine, & Willow still pushing not giving up to the tyrant. Fear, sadness, & pain flowed through me. She was just in my reach. If I could just push a little harder. Go beyond my limits. But my body wouldn't allow it. A bright light flashed and something appeared. Something.. familiar. The door. The door between realms of ours and Luz's. He stepped close to it still holding Luz. Her body barely moving but I knew she was in pain. It hurt me so much to just know and not be able to do something. "Pathetic." He spoke. Everyone was confused. "All witches really thought this human would be a savior. Would be the end to my reign. He raised Luz in front of the door. I inched forward. I looked next to me to see the fear in the others eyes. "To think my faithful subjects would rely on a human to defeat me.... what a mistake." He turned away facing the door only allowing us to see his back but I could slightly see Luz as moved her across the door. "Say goodbye to your little 'savior'..."


He moved out the way and there Luz was. On the ground in her realm. Thrown there. Blood on her and continuing to come from her body. Fear was the only thing in my body now.


The door. The door was closing. Tears flowing down my face. My body started to move on its own. No matter how much pain there was something was giving me enough power to move. To her. "No.. please.. Luz.." My raspy breathing made it no better to talk. The door still closing soon the light leaving. I saw Luz then raise her head slightly. Tears in her barely open eyes as she shakily held her arm out with her hand open. Reaching for something. Someone. Me. I started moving faster until someone grabbed me. Hunter. "W-what are you doing-!?!" I was too weak to even try and escape his grip. "I'm making my uncle proud." He slammed me into the ground. Blood left my mouth and splattered on the floor. I stared ahead. Seeing her. Needing her. I could hear distant sounds. From her. Was she- calling for me-? Tears ran down my face like a river. She was calling out to me. She's counting on me. She needs me. But I noticed the door was only a nudge away from closing. No no NO NO NO NO! I STILL NEED TO GET HER! LUZ! "GET OFF ME"  With my final ounces of strength I made a coat of abomination goo and got out from under Hunter leaving him on the ground. I rushed to the door at speeds I've never gone before. Adrenaline rushing. Heart pounding. Only thing out my mind was her. *click*


I ran into the door and fell back. I stared at the door. It was closed. I hurried up and grabbed the doorknob and tried to pull the door open with all the force I could. Slowly from the top the door started to fade away. "Please Titan let me open this door!"  Every yank and pull was a fail and it started fading faster. My eyes full of tears making my vision blurry. My hands getting sweaty and slipping off the knob. But then I thought maybe I could open it with brute force. I backed away and ran sideways into it hoping to open it but instead I just fell. I looked behind me and it was gone. "Luz... no... please.."  This pain. I've never felt this much before. It hurt more then anything that's ever happened to me. I was on all four and staring at the floor. I felt so angry. I clenched my fists into the ground and yelled all I could. And from the yelling came uncontrollable sobbing. "LUZ!!!!....." then everything went silent and black.

. . .

"Luz!" I shot up. I was on a bed and my body was instantly hit with unbearable pain. I let out a loud groan. I laid back down and down to see bandages along my arms and most likley on my whole body. I head a knock at the door. I turned my head in confusion "Come in...?" The Owl Lady walked through with the tiny demon. "How ya feelin kiddo..?" She sounded less lively and upbeat then normal. "Pain." The tiny demon came and sat next to me. He looked tired and some tears were still streaming down his face. "Sorry I don't have my magic so I couldn't really do much." I heard pain in her voice. "It's fine... Also how did I get here-" I questioned "You passed out and I carried you here" I let out a sigh. Silence filled the room with tiny sniffles here and there from King. . . ."So she's really....".I held back the tears that were threatening to burst out like a waterfall.."Yeah... the kids really gone... crazy right .." Her voice was shaky like she was about to have a breakdown. But I can't blame her. I'm on the verge of one myself. Eda mumbled then looked at King.."Hey kid, when your feeling better how about you go and hang out with the others.. I think the company will do you and them good." She looked down "But what abo-" she crossed her arms and interrupted me. "Don't worry bout me. I got King here and I'm good with him." Her voice sounded more shaky. "Alright.." King then put a colorful bandage on my hand and then one on his snout and he started bursting with tears. "I *hiccup* WANT MY BOO *hiccup* BOO BUDDY!!" Eda scooped him up as if he was a baby which technically he is and walked to the door. "If you need anything I'll be in the living room comforting the little guy and getting some food ready." I gave her a nod and she walked out the room closing the door behind her. I sat up with the pain not being so bad. I brought my legs to my chest. Slowly tears started falling from my eyes. She was gone... she really was... the love of my life was gone.. and I wasn't able to save her.. I buried my face into my legs and starting crying and shaking. My one happiness ripped from me. She looked so hurt and so vulnerable. Reaching out for me specifically. Out of anyone there. She chose me. Why. Why not Eda. Or Willow. Why me of all people. Tears rushed faster down my cheeks. I still remember her cries. The look on her face as she held her hand out. The small sound of her calling for me. Was this really my fate. Destined to be alone with a dull life. I raised my head a bit and I finally noticed I was in her room then I saw something yellow in the corner of my eye... its the little matching device thing Luz had to mine. I reached out I grabbed it. I turned it on and looked through all our old messages. Even after I finally figured it out I had a hard time communicating with it. But one message really hit me. 'Come home safe..' she always thought of my safety and always helped me. But when she needed me I couldn't do anything. I put it down I grabbed the pillow that was under my head and hugged it tight. It didn't have that same alive warmness but it was comforting enough. I cried into it until I drifted off to a place where I didn't have to think about the pain. Dreams will be my only happy place now. Just like before.

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[Edited 4/18/22 major changes and spelling fixes + updated to latest toh ep as of now]

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