Ch6-A Little Comfort

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[Amity POV]

It was the middle of the night and I was looking out the window.. I'm gonna do it... I grabbed a small bag and put some important stuff in it like a change of clothes and some snails just incase.


I turned around and saw, Ghost! I picked them up and hugged them softly.

"Your definitely coming with me."
I got a meow in response. Ghost turned into their staff form and waited, floating outside the window. Once I got all the things I needed and got onto the staff and flew out to the Owl House were hopefully Eda would be. The ride was nice since I've been cooped up in that room. I neared the house and landed just a bit away from it and carried Ghost the rest of the way there. Once I got to the house I knocked on the door. Please be here.

"Hello hoot hoot!"

I punched the door aka Hooty in the face.

"Ouch! I was just saying hi! .. Hoot!"
I kinda felt bad for hitting him but at the same time he is annoying.

"Hootsifer who's there?"
I heard someone say from on the other side of the door.

"It's the Blight kid!"
I have a name... whatever. The door opened and standing there was- My old Mentor Lilith!?!.

"Oh Amity, what a surprise."

"Hello Ms.Lilith, is Eda here?"

"No she is not and please just call me Lilith. No need to be formal anymore."
Great... shes not here. She looked down for a bit like she was thinking then picked her head back up.

"How about you come in. It must've been a long trip!."
She opened the door wider and I walked in and walked to the couch and sat down putting Ghost on the side of the couch.

"Do you uhm know where Eda is.?"

She brought her hand up to her chin.
"If I remember she said she had some business somewhere else and took King with her. Is there a reason why you must know?"

I tensed up a bit.

"Oh uhm, I was just wondering.."
Lilith came and sat next to me.

"I'm guessing your wondering about making another portal door huh?"
I was suprised that she knew since she wasn't even there. I nodded my head in response.

"We're working on it... so far we've had no luck.."
My ears went a little down hearing this news. What if they couldn't build a new portal.. what if im stuck alone forever!?! Tears started to fill my eyes and I guess Lilith noticed as she put a hand on my back.

"I know you miss Luz, we all do. She held us together and now without her we're falling apart. But no need to worry. We'll do anything and everything to get her back."

She held her arms open a bit I guess wondering if I wanted and hug. And me being me rushed into her arms. I held on tight as I few sniffles got out and she rubbed my back softly.

"It'll be alright little one.. just give us some time."
I calmed down a bit after that and went away from the hug.

"Feeling better now?"

"Yeah a little."

She smiles a bit and then had that thinking face again.

"Do you want something to drink?"
Her voice sounded that of a mothers... it was nice..

"Some tea would be good."

She nodded.
"Hootsifer! Two teas please!"

The door threw itself open
"You got it Lulu!"
Hooty stretched into the kitchen and various noises were being made. I guess he was getting the tea. It was 5 mins until the owl tube came back with two filled tea cups.

"Here you go hoot hoot!"

"Thank you Hootsifer."
Lilith grabbed the tea cups from on Hooty and he retracted back into the door and it closed. She handed me one cup and started sipping from the other. I took a sip and to my surprise it was really good.

"So how are your classes at Hexside?"
She asked me to try and start up a friendly conversation I guess.

"They're fine."

"I see. Has you magic improved?"

"Yes alot actually."
I made a small abomination in the shape of a griffin with every little detail. After she had saw I made it go away. Her eyes lit up and she looked impressed

"That's amazing! I'm proud of you!"
Proud.. that word hit me like a thunderbolt. No one has ever been proud of me before other then Luz. So to hear someone else say it is like I've been blessed by the Titan. My eyes water as I smiled. I put my tea cup down and hugged Lilith which suprised her but she put hers down aswell and hugged back. Sometimes I wish she really was my parent.


"So you decided to come and visit finally eh?"
A chuckle followed.

"I need your help."
Eda said.

"What do you need, Pumpkin?"

* * *

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- RaccoonCanWrite (or Author)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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