Ch2- Safe Place.

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[Amity POV]

Darkness. All I could see was darkness. Then out of that darkness a single small light appeared. A figure was behind it. I went closer to it. To only behold it was.. Luz!? She stood there smiling holding the light in one hand with the other reaching out. I reached mine out to gran her but before I'm able to water started pouring out her eyes and blood from her mouth..
"I'm still waiting Amity... your failing me.." then the darkness consumed again leaving those words echoing.

My eyes shoot open with sweat and tears running down my face. I burry my face into the pillow which I had a death grip on and it looked like it would pop. I summon my scroll to take a look at the time. 3:14. Normally I would be in school right now but after what had occured some places were in need of reconstruction one of those places being Hexside. Maybe I should go meet up with the others like Eda told me to. I got up from the bed and noticed a bag that had clothe hanging out. I went over to it and crouched down and looked inside looked through the bags of cloth for 1 new clothes since these are dirty and 2 something more comfortable. I felt a familiar type of material while digging through the bag so I pulled it out, and it was none other than Luz's short sleeved cat hoodie.. I held it close to ms. She must've not washed it correctly since it still smelt like her though it was comforting it also made me miss her more. I decided to wear it along with some shorts and a random pair of shoes. I tried to fix my hair the best I could before exiting the room. I went down the stairs and to the living room where I saw Eda sleeping with a tired King on her lap. "Where are you going?" King asked me in a quite and cracked voice. "Im going to see the others.." King sat up and rubbed his eyes "Can I join you..? I wanna see Gus.. if its not too much." I hesitated but I let him come along. He layed around my neck the whole trip to Willow's house. We finally got to the front and stood there. If she's not here then I'll check Gus' house. It was a few good minutes before I finally knocked on the door. The door opened and revealed Willow standing there. Her eyeys opened wide and she ran into me hugging me tightly like she just saw me for the first time in years. "Oh Amity! You're ok! We we were so worried!" I hugged back almost as tight. Wait we? Gus appeared behind Willow and waved. King got off my shoulders and ran to him where he was picked up into a hug. Willow finally let me go and I did so too. "So how have you been holding up since yknow..." I did know what she ment but I didn't want to remember. "Hey isn't that Luz's hoodie?"
Gus pointed out which Willow looked suprised at. "Yeah it is... its.. comforting." I looked down and Willow than patted me on the shoulder. "How about we go for a walk?" She suggested and I nodded. Gus walked out and so did she and she closed the door while me and Gus started to walk down the path. Willow soon caught up. We talked about things and stuff for a while while walking until we bumped into the last person we would want to ever see. He looked at us for a second before a smile crept on his face "No way! You guys are still alive even after facing against Belos!?!?" The one and only Mattholomule. "Oh but something is missing.. or someone.." Matt started to tease. Seems he hasn't changed as we thought. "What do you want Matt." Gus asked him. "Im just wondering where that stupid human of yours in hm?" I clenched my fists and was so ready to punch him right in the face before Gus got between us. "Why can't you just leave us alone. We're not in the mood, we're hurting right now." Willow wasn't wrong. The ones who faught against Belos are suffering alot. Especially the ones that were close to .. her. "Oh mi goshhh 'we went through so muchhh', cut the crap. Everyone goes through things you're not special." he did that annoying voice he always does "Yeah neither are you Mr.Attention whore!" Gus spoke up and it shocked me a bit when he said whore. Matt did a dramatic gasp but then smirked. "Would you look at that, Agustus is standing up for himself!" Gus rolled up his sleeve before Willow grabbed him. "Cmon, he isn't worth our time." Willow stated as she started walking the opposite way. I followed close behind and so did Gus. "YOU'RE JUST AFRAID! RUN AWAY WEAK WITCHES!" Matt yelled at us but we continues to walk away. "Matt is such a asshole." Gus said staring at the ground as we walked "Tell me about it." Willow agreed as I walked along in silence and I can't believe King slept through all that. "Hey guys wanna go back to my place?"
Willow asked. It's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home. I especially don't want to see my parents right now. "Sure." I said then went back to being silent "Yeah!" Gus said after. "Ok then let's go." Willow started walking the direction of her house and we followed suit. We walked back to Willows house which had a nice Cottagecore vibe to it that i always like. She walks with us in to where we saw her dads in the living room. "Oh Gus and.. Amity! Long time no see dear." Her dad's were always such nice people."It's nice to see you to Mr. And Mr. Park." That felt weird to say after a while. "We heard what happened, we're sorry you lost your friend."
One of her dads say. "Oh uh.. right I never told you." Willow said before I could say anything. "Amity and Luz are... well were more than friends.." Willow chuckled out trying to stay positive but it was hard remembering that and not crying infront of them. The tears were just threatening to fall. "Oh no.. that's even worse.. come here Amity." They gestured for me to come over so I did but I was confused. When I was close enough they pulled me into a hug which in response I hugged back and started crying. I don't get much comfort from parental figures so when I do I just let all my emotions go because I feel safe. Willow and Gus decided to head to Willow's room. After I was done they sat me next to them. "How do you feel after getting all that out?" One of them asked. "A little bit better actually.." I responded even though my heart still ached. "Now if you ever need anything we'll always be here with open arms." A small smile crept onto my face, to know I had somewhere safe to go to that I could get away from my family unlike my secret hideout in the library which was now once again just silence and books. "Now go join the others upstairs, I'll make some snacks!" I nodded and hurried upstairs. I opened the door and saw Willow and Gus making something. I made a questioning face and they already knew so Willow patted the space next to her and I knew it ment to sit down so I did. King crawled from on the bed and into my lap and I softly petted him. "So you know how Luz had that journal that she wrote down the steps to making a new door in?" Willow asked "Uh yeah" Gus stood up "Well what if we find it and use it and make another one again!" Gus half shouted "But that would take a long while...." And I wanted Luz now.. I wanted to hug her cuddle her .. kiss her. . Just to feel her warmth.. "We know so what if we split up to get everything and it would go quicker!" Willow suggested. I thought about it. "Yeah... maybe that could work.." I finally got a peak at the paper and saw it was some sort of plan. But I didn't question it. A hour or 2 passed and it started to get dark. "I need to get home guys." Gus said so we said our goodbye to him and now it was just me and Willow. "Do you want to go home Amity, though I know how your family is so you could stay here if you want." Willow offered me. It did sound nice since I'm just not ready to face my parents. "Yeah...sounds good." Willow got up and put away the papers then handed me some clothes from her closet and told me to go take a shower which I did. When I got back to the room a mini bed was set up on the ground so when I finished drying my hair I layed on it. It was pretty comfy. King layed at the end. A few minutes passed and Willow fell asleep. Leaving me alone and awake moving and tossing around unable to find a good pose to sleep in but it really wasn't the pose. I just didn't have someone to hug. I felt alone. But then I remembered. Her hoodie! I was able to get it without waking up King and and snuggled up to it. I was more relaxed when I had it on or near me so it made it easier to fall asleep. So soon I did just that.

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-AsterWritez (or Author)

[Edited 4/19/22 semi-major changes and spelling fixes + updated to latest toh ep as of now]

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