Ch4- Control.

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[Amity POV]


I jumped out of bed and fell to the floor. What the hell was that?. I got up from the floor and stretched and got a delightful pop in my back. I looked at my dresser mirror noticing my hair was growing out again but I don't care that much. I changed into something quick and walked out to be met with giant puddle of abomination goo on the floor and some covering a wall. Seems like one of Fathers expirements failed yet again. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder making me go tense. "There she is! My lovely smart daughter.. who needs to redye her hair a certain color..." It's was Mother and of course she was already picking at my lavender hair. Why now? "But I like it this way.." My voice became shaky and low for an unknown reason. "So? I don't and what I say goes!" She stomped her foot and I flinched. I should be used to it but every time I always flinch or jump at it. I'm just straight up scared of my parents. Especially Mother. I was then pushed into the bathroom and she followed in getting the green hair dye ready. "Now let's get you fixed up!" She said with obvious a fake smile. It was about 30 mins till it was done. After she finished I looked in the mirror. Its just like before. I hate it. I don't like the old me. "Now go get dressed into something more proper and meet us in the dining room for breakfast." Mother said as she walks out the bathroom. Her heels making that annoying clicking sound. I went to my room and walked in to be met by the twins sitting on my bed. "Mittens your hair! Mom made you change it back didn't she.." Edric said and I simply grabbed my arm and looked down. Both the twins sighed knowing our parents especially Mother is gonna be twice as hard on me now that I was supposedly 'under the influence of the Human' and she's gone now.. gone. "Mittens do you need some alone time right now?" Emira asked me. "Hm- oh... no why are you asking?" I was confused until she pointed to her cheek so I touched mine and felt it was wet. Damnit.  "I'm fine.. just get out a let me get dressed for breakfast. " Both the twins left but not without getting a hug. I then put on a black short skirt dress and my normal magenta leggings and my heeled crescent moon boots. I turned around and saw something sparkle from on my counter. I grabbed it and read the note that was attached to it.

(Amity be a sweetheart and put this necklace on for me.


It looks just like the one I used to have. Just great. Excellent even. I did as the note said and put it on even if I knew what she was going to use it for. I should've known she would try and make my her little puppet toy again. I looks at myself one final time in the mirror, I hated looking like this. The so called perfect child of the Blight Family. I want to be different. I want to be me. Not a clone of my Mother. Taking in a deep breath and exhaling slowly I walked out my room and to the dining room where everyone was. "You finally decided to join us and I see your wearing the necklace." Her face wore a grin which I didn't enjoy not a bit. I sat down quietly not wanting to respond. But when I looked at the twins they looked sad. "Listen here now Amity, you will be going back to school when it's finally rebuilt and taking extra classes and you will also not be allowed to talk to those other two that were friends with the human."
Alador said in a demanding tone which is something we wouldn't often hear from him especially now. Did Mother get to him too-? "But Fath-" "Don't Father him Amity. We gave you orders and you must follow them. Is that understood." Interrupted like always. I wanted to talk back. I wanted to fight for what I wanted. But I felt. Weak. I felt powerless against them. So I could do nothing but comply with them. Breakfast finished and we were sent to out rooms. I sat on my bed and stared at the corner of my room which had her hoodie. I need her so badly right now..I'm just gonna become another mindless slave. Wait. What if I ask Eda for help, I mean- she had to put up with my parents in school. Maybe she knows their weaknesses. And so that was the plan. Sneak out at night. Run to the Owl Shack- wait no House. Find Eda and ask her for help. But how will I be able to sneak out in the first place. . .The Twins! I know they would do anything to help me but what if they're under our parents control. Risks. I have to take risks. If I never did before then I would have never. Got with her. I let out a soft sigh. Luck needs to help me more then ever now.
*knock knock*
"Huh- oh uh come in?" It was Father. "I am here to tell you that the school is stable enough to go back and you will be going back to school tomorrow and don't waste any time coming back home because we have a showcase in the afternoon and we need your assistance. Understood.?" His voice sounded a bit lower than usual. It's weird. "Yes Father.." He then stared at my desk directly at my Azura book I forgot to put back. "Good. Also make sure to get rid of those silly child books. You need to be reading more advanced things like witch history and the difference between a fast or strong abomination." I looked down to the ground trying to keep the waterworks in. "Yes Father.." He nodded and left the room. Once the door shut I started punching my pillow again since I couldn't punch anything else without it breaking. I wanted to just slap him so badly in that moment. I thought he changed. He would be nicer. I was so wrong. Tears started to fall. I can't have anything that brings me joy. No expression. No Azura. No Luz. I cried into my pillow. I wish I could just summon a portal. See her now. Be with her now. But who am I kidding. No witch has ever been able. The door was the only thing. I don't have that. So the only thing I can do is be a obedient slave once again. The tears stopped and my eyes closed. Back to dream world where I could be at peace. Without anything or anyone. Just me. I didn't care what time it was and just fell asleep. Getting the sleep I've been needing.

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-AsterWritez (or Author)

[Edited 4/19/22 semi-major changes and spelling fixes + updated to latest toh ep as of now]

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