6: Be Careful What You Wish For

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"Though you can see when you're wrong,
You know you can't always see when you're right..."
-Billy Joel


Never in my life did I think that something I enjoy so much could be so fucking hard.

Slumping in defeat over my desk, the papers spread out crinkle beneath my arms and I can practically hear them screaming at me for my lack of respect. Considering I have all day before I have to meet with the League, I figured I could get some writing in, but that has proven to be too tasking for my jumbled brain to handle.

I couldn't focus on brushing my teeth this morning without zoning out, and now I'm attempting to get one of my weekly manuscripts done, with hardly any progress made.

Way too optimistic of me.

On my desk lay the many outlines I created that are quite dreadful, most covered in scribbles from my lack of thought process and don't even get me started on the words I managed to write.

It's hopeless at this point and I don't even know why I'm trying.

Sitting up in my chair, I roll my head around in circles to crack my neck, reaching my arms over my head to stretch after planting my ass in this exact spot for hours. For whatever reason, I woke up insanely early this morning after getting hardly any sleep, and haven't moved from this desk for quite some time now.

Somehow though, there's at least one silver lining to this shitty day.

Today is Friday, which means Haku comes over during his lunch to eat with me, always bringing some fancy dish from the district he works in at absolutely zero cost.

It's something I look forward to every week.

Grabbing my phone, I decide now is a good time to finally get up and do something with myself after seeing Haku could be here within the next hour or so. Since I couldn't sleep last night after having an awful nightmare, I took a shower at an ungodly hour of the night, so at least I don't have to now.

Trudging over to the bathroom, I force my eyes to look up in the mirror to simply gauge my appearance and I'm only disappointed at who looks back at me.

I thought my under eye bags couldn't get deeper or any darker, but I stand here proven wrong. My skin is sickly pale, lacking any warmth or sign of genuine life, and my hair an absolute nest on top of my head in the world's messiest bun.

Flakey pieces of skin linger on my lips after spending countless hours chewing on them from relentless anxiety, the rest of the skin completely raw with redness. My eyes drop to the low cut of my tank top that shows off my scar exceptionally, highlighting every single detail of its intricate mark.

Turning the faucet on, I cup my hands under the water to splash my face, hoping it will make me feel better after seeing that monstrosity in the mirror. Not giving it anytime to warm up, the freezing water wakes me up instantly, my face now feeling refreshed and my mind way more alert than it was before.

I have zero intention of even trying to touch my hair, knowing damn well Haku won't care what it looks and I highly doubt the League will have anything to say about it either. I've also been in this tank top and sweatpants since I woke up this morning, the ink stains on my shirt proof of the torturous writing I just endured.

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