9: The Devil Himself

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"Are you devil? Are you angel?
Am I heaven? Am I hell?
I can barely find the proof to save myself..."
- Christina Aguilera


Never in my twenty-three years of life have I ever seen so much immorality in one room, let alone just been a witness to it. Rows and rows and rows of tables take up a room the size of a gymnasium, each one covered in unknown testing tubes filled with suspicious glowing blue liquid. But that doesn't even top the cake.

Taking up the entire back wall is some large shelves with what looks to be some sort of weapons, with empty slots on the sides that could fit the glowing tubes perfectly. A shiver runs from the top of my neck to the bottom of my spine at the realization of what we just walked into.

"Holy shit," I breathe out in disbelief at what lies before my eyes, taking a stumbling step back to put distance between myself and the paraphernalia.

Dabi lets out a demented cackle, hunching over to slap his knees dramatically like a lunatic. "Would you fucking look at that," he snickers lowly, shaking his head as he straightens up.

"How could you miss it?!" I hiss, using a flailing hand to gesture to the room full of very illegal evidence.

Taking a moment to gather myself, considering this whole mission just went up five notches without any warning, I count to ten in my head as I close my eyes to calm down.

There is nothing to freak out about just yet, just causally invading the space of a powerful mob leader from another country who's going on a rampage over the girl who killed my father.

No biggie.

"Okay," I start shakily, clearing my throat to calm the nerves that I'm desperately trying to swallow. "They invented phones for a reason. Let's take a bunch of pictures, maybe gather a sample from one of these freaky ass tubes, and get the fuck out of here."

Dabi scoffs, breaking the threshold as he enters the room with zero worries, touching anything and everything he can with his grubby little fingers. "Who died and made you boss?"

Muttering a prayer above to get rid of this menace in front of me, I follow after him reluctantly as I take my phone from the back pocket of my jeans to start taking pictures of everything in the room. There's no way I'm going to get bitched at by Shigaraki for coming back with absolutely nothing.

We have to be smart here. We can't just take or touch whatever we want, because then they would know we've been here, and Dabi already made his mark on the door upstairs. There is no room to be careless, yet I have the most stubborn, hard-headed person in the world as my partner.

Shuffling quickly over to the burnt man before he touches one of the clear viles, I slap his hand away harshly and tug him back by his shoulder. "Has all of that fire fried your brain too?! Stop touching everything! We need to get in and get out. Are you not aware of how a stakeout mission goes?"

"Whatever, princess," Dabi dismisses, brushing out of my grasp and roaming to a different part of the room, far away from me.

With his hands shoved deep into his pockets and a lulling head, I snap as many pictures as possible of everything in the room, including some documents found on a desk in the back corner. The weapons I pay close attention to, taking a picture from every single angle to ensure I get every bit of information I can.

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