7: A Walk In The Park

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"As I sink in the sand,
Watch you slip through my hands,
Oh, as I die here another day,
Cause all I do is cry behind this smile..."


Now, I know what you must be thinking right now, and let me tell you, I'm right there with you...

Valen, how could you be so fucking stupid?

But hey, that's not a very nice thing to think about someone and it isn't any better to think those things about myself. Doesn't seem very beneficial for either of us, so for now, let's just pretend everything is dandy and fine, okay?


Let's pretend that I'm not walking on a dangerously thin line between severely fucking up everything I've worked for and a blissful moment of distraction for my otherwise hectic brain.

Todoroki follows patiently beside me as I take him to the park I used to go to all the time when I was a kid, the sounds of rustling trees along our path filling our silent space with a sense of serenity. I didn't expect to find immediate comfort in his presence, but by the calm look on his face, I can tell he does too.

The walk from the market to the park is a short one, only taking us a few minutes before we're strolling up to the bench that faces the entire playground. Placing the bag with my snacks in it on the ground beside the bench, I sit down and look up at him expectantly, snorting when he looks at me in confusion.

"It's just a bench, kid. Take a seat," I demand playfully, patting the spot next to me impatiently while simultaneously convincing myself that I haven't spent hours on this very bench in the pouring rain all by my lonesome.

I used to come here when being in the presence of my parents became too much, especially since this park is only about a fifteen-minute walk from the house I grew up in a few blocks away. It's an even shorter distance to the Todoroki residence, but I push away that thought before it can spiral.

Todoroki takes the spot to the left of me, holding his grocery sack in his lap with a firm grip like it would sprout legs and walk away if he didn't hold it tighter. "Why did we come here?" He questions curiously, looking around the park as if it's a foreign country he's never been to.

"Why not?" I fire back, raising a sly eyebrow at him as I fish out my bag of chips and open them to pop one in my mouth. "You have to admit it offers some pretty great views."

Looking across the vast field in front of us, I admire the small bank of water that sits in the back of the park, reflecting the sun's rays in ripples of golden light. If it weren't for the slight breeze, the temperature would be perfect, enjoyed with a light coat as long as you stay in the sun's warmth.

"It is quite beautiful," Todoroki agrees, nodding his head slowly in appreciation for the view.

"So," I start with a slight waver to my voice, keeping my eyes glued in front of me for fear that my facial expressions will give me away. I've always struggled with hiding the emotion on my face. "How old are you?"

"I just turned sixteen," He confirms for me and I can feel the heat of his gaze on my cheek. "What about you?"

Swallowing the chips in my mouth, I clear my throat before answering confidently, my age not capable of threatening my identity too much. "I'm twenty-three."

Todoroki nods his head again, not pondering on my response for more than a second. "I have a brother around your age," He states instantly, making me choke slightly on the chip in my mouth.

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