[ prologue ] 〝ˏ a deal shall be made 、〞

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Who would think that a girl who had lived a lavish life with everything she had ever dreamed of, served to her on a silver platter, would be on her knees begging for the devil to heed her wishes?

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Who would think that a girl who had lived a lavish life with everything she had ever dreamed of, served to her on a silver platter, would be on her knees begging for the devil to heed her wishes?

She pulled herself together and slowly bounded upright. Her body shook with the immense pressure of needles crawling over and under her skin. Over and under. Again. Over and under. The girl gasped sharply, tears welling her eyes.

Was it because in the eyes of God, she was not worthy of such wishes to be heard by the heavenly father?

Blood dripped from her shoulder and stained her hand incarnadine, leaking like a fountain of poison. The revolting mixture of her blood, sweat, and tears had been such a familiar substance that the girl found herself ignoring it, persistently crawling on her bruised and scarred knees.

Or perhaps he never did exist in the first place?

They dropped dead. One by one. Their hearts were aggressively fisted out, one after the other as they all fell to the ground, lifeless, with horrified guises, as their heart laid beside them as a ghastly reflection of how they served little to no mercy to the innocent ones that fell victim to their disgusting inhumane deeds. How would someone have the heart and motivation to do such a horrible thing? Dirty, dirty, dirty souls! They deserve every single bit of blood that flows out of them, they deserve nothing but the worst treatment. They deserve to rot in hell! Rot in the fiery pits and go absolutely batshit crazy because of the ear-piercing shrieks of the sinned for all of eternity. 

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