[ Ⅵ ] Bloodied Scythe

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The crackling blaze on the hearth sat cosy in the metal that glows

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The crackling blaze on the hearth sat cosy in the metal that glows. The flames twirl on the iron bed, its sizzling calling into the afternoon, hot ribbons of light sparking onto the metal bars every now and then. It weakened every gust of wind that passed through the window, cautious and shielding from the breath of nature before it once more ignited into a sea of flames, radiating warmth all throughout the manor. The girl poached in front of the table took the black pawn by its head and flicked the white one off of the board, before she placed her own pawn on the space, a smile took over her face.

"Give it up, Vivielle," Claire placed her elbows on the table and leaned in. "No matter how many times you ask for a rematch, I'll still win!"

The demon bared her fangs at her contractee and scoffed, flailing her arms around. "Brat. How could you possibly beat a demon at chess?" Her raspy voice echoed around the study, laced with irritation and possibly, bloodlust. Vivielle's eyes flashed a rosy pink, glaring intently at the royal blue staring right back at her. Claire did not break eyegaze, and neither did Vivielle. "You're cheating~!" The demon yelled, pitch high and demanding. "You must have cheated, you can't possibly beat me at ches-"

"Maybe you need to rethink your instincts if you think I cheated," Claire cocked her head to the side, the accessories attached to her hair dangling together in a soft tune. She sat legs crossed over the other, with her sleeveless lace dress that fully exposed the rough scar on her shoulder, with diamond earrings that twinkled with the reflection of the embers in her fireplace. The flames danced on one side of her face and left the opposite side of her face be cloaked in despicable darkness, making it seem like her purple hair illuminated in the mere fire-lit study.

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