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''I would love to start so if you could get in your seats....'' said Yz after everyone but Izuku got teleported in new room. This room had big plasma TV, chairs, bean bags, pillows and 3 tables full of food and snacks.
''Since this is basically kidnapping I wanted to make it at least nice for you.'' said Yz as she pointed on the tables. Some students immediately stood up and took some of the snacks while others took some pillows or occupied chairs and bean bags for themselves.
''That is nice and all, but where is Izuku?'' asked worried Inko.
''Izuku is in his own room. He will basically watch the dekuverse too but on his own. Not all, but some of them could be very uncomfortable for him so I would take him out eventually. This just makes it more fun for me because you won't know when bad stuff are coming up now.'' said Yz with sadistic smirk.
''So will we start with something sad?'' asked Mina who was stuffing her mouth with chips together with Kaminari.
''Nah I wanna keep that for later. Now let's start.'' answered Yz. Everyone who wasn't sitting yet sat down. Some people took the opportunity to eat, some didn't.
''Ok, starting.'' said Yz and screen started working.

Screen showed us many little kids in what looked like kindergarten.
''Did you hear about it?'' whispered one of the kids.
''About?'' asked kid that looked exactly like Bakugo with scoff.

''Is that small Bakugo?''  squealed Mina already taking pictures.
''Oh it know I really miss times when you were small like that.'' answered Katsukis mom and his dad only nodded.
Bakugo looked the other way "Shut up old hag." face red because of embarrassment.

''Izuku's quirkless!'' whisper yelled the other kid.
''What?'' asked little Katsuki obviously surprised by the news. 
''You haven't heard yet?'' asked that kid again.
Katsuki didn't bother answering and ran straight to Izuku who was sitting at table on his own.
'' that true?'' asked shocked Bakugo.
''Sadly yes.....BUT I still can help you with being a hero!'' said Izuku with sparkles in his eyes.
''What do you mean......without a quirk you are basically useless!'' said Bakugo to the kid. It did hurt Izuku a little but he shook it off.

''Bakugo! That wasn't very hero like!'' yelled Iida at Bakugo from across the room.
''Yea that wasn't manly at all...'' said Kirishima feeling bad for the poor greenette which he may or may not like in more than just a friend way.

''Actually...many things heroes were able to achieve were, and still are, thanks to their costumes, and the costumes are made by support heroes sooooo that what I'M GONNA BE!" yelled Izuku with excitement and sparkles in his eyes.

"So dazzling." said Aoyama. AFOs and Inkos heart melted. They loved to see their innocent and adorable son happy. ("innocent")

''Oh really? What would you do for as perfect quirk as mine?'' said little Bakugo with smirk.

''Big ego ever since childhood?" asked Dabi.
"When everyone is stuffing it into yours head ever since you got it it will get to you you know?'' answered Bakugo with scoff on his face.
'He is suspiciously calm...something's wrong, I can feel it'  though Kirishima.

"Actually, even bigger explosions.'' answered Izuku simply.
" What?'' asked Bakugo dumbfounded that Izuku actually had answer and that quickly.

"The fact that 4 years old child already has ideas like that is giving me chills." said Midnight. Nezu and All for one on the other hand, were enjoying this sipping on tea they had in their hands.
"I mean he IS son of the #1 villain after all...'' grumbled Kamui Woods under his breath.

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