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"I'm telling you Benny, if I wasn't gay Scarlet Johansson would be all over me!" Exclaimed Liam.

"What are you in about Liam? She doesn't even know you exist now, why would she if you weren't gay?"

"She would Benny, she would be seeking me out!"

"Oh shut up Liam, you can't even get that guy down the road to fuck you never mind Scarlett Johansson" Aurelia perked up from the couch, removing the hand from over her eyes. She had draped herself across the couch, the dress she wore flowing around her, and showing off her legs.

The room was large yet had little in it. But everything in it was of high value. Basically showing someone to not really care what they bought just as long as it was expensive. It was a split room of a kitchen and sitting area.

"Wow you really know how to crush people's dreams don't you" Liam's put his hand on his chest.

"Right shut up now and go make me some coffee" she demanded placing her hand back over her eyes.

"Alright alright! Just because you got yourself drunk last night doesn't mean you can be a bitch to everyone" he raised his hands and went to start the coffee, "want one Benny boy?"

"You call me that again I will slit your throat and yes please" Benjamin said, getting shy at the end because of his sudden outburst.

"So Aurelia, what was last night's reason for the heavy drinking?" Joked Liam.

"Does there need to be a reason? Can I not just drink whenever I want? Where I want? And how I want?!" She snapped.

"Okayyyyy, let's get you this coffee quickly" Liam rushed over to the couch and handed her the coffee before backing up instantly not wanting to get bitten.

"Have any guests last night?" Asked Liam hesitantly.

"Wow you really want to get your balls chopped off don't you" chuckled Benjamin.

"As a matter of fact I did have a guest last night Liam."

Just as she finished that sentence the large door opened, revealing a still slightly limping Grayson.

"You know I still don't understand why you get to have one night stands and we don't" he tilted his head at her as he stood at the other end of the couch where her feet lay in tall black heels.

"You can have one night stands just not in my house" she smirked squinting her eyes.

"Well you know it's very tempting especially when we have you walking around and teasing every guy, dressed like a prostitute." He said, flicking her dress over to reveal more of her legs. She stood instantly, grabbing him by the throat.

Benjamin and Liam charged into action, dragging her away from him. "Come on Aurelia, come on, he isn't worth it" Benjamin whispered in her ear, pulling him away.

Grayson chuckled, "we should try that choking kink baby, but unfortunately there is someone at the door waiting for you so maybe next time" he winked.

She was so close to killing him right there, but she ripped her arms out of Liam and Benjamins grasp. She cleared her throat and stabbed her heel into his toes. He hissed loudly and doubled over.

"Watch your mouth!" She spat and turned around heading out muttering "bastard"

She walked her way into the hallway and saw three of her men standing, head raised and covering two other men she couldn't see the faces of yet.

"I am not in the mood! So if you aren't my delivery for cigarettes then get lost!!" She shouted as her men turned to her.

The two other mens face were now seen. She chuckled dryly, "Oh you've got to be shitting me"

Guns & Pain - A Tom Holland/Mafia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now