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"can we please open a window?" Whined Liam.


"But I'm dying here." He continued.

"Oh will you shut up it's a bit of smoke." Aurelia snapped at him. She lied. It wasn't just a bit of smoke. The car was filled with smoke and the smell, slowly burning Liam's eyes.

"I can't even see!!"

"You are such a baby!" Puffing out a mouthful of smoke.

"One day, I'll die of lung cancer and it will be your fault" said Liam, covering his mouth.

She smirked slightly and put her index finger on the window controls, pushing down the passenger window.

Liam let out a dramatic, loud gasp, putting his mouth up against the small gap from the window, desperate to take in fresh air.

"Drama queen" she tutted.

"Hey! I'm not drama queen. I just would like to stay alive a few more years" he said, "Honestly, I have no idea how you smoke those. They are just disgusting. Hot. But disgusting."

"How can you see it as disgusting and hot at the same time?" She questioned, shaking her head.

"Well you look hot smoking it. You give off, 'I'm a badass' vibes. But then it's like 'I don't care what I put in my body' vibes." He explained.

"Okay well I agree with both of them" she nodded, taking her hand off the wheel and sucking on the end.

"Well yeah, I understand that. Those guys you hook up with are disgusting. Of course you don't care what goes into your body"

She laughed and stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

"Why do you hook up with those guys?"

"I'm not having this conversation with you again Liam."

"Okay then, let's have this conversation. What is your plan with Tom?"

She shook her head, knowing it was going to come up.

"Oh come on!" He shouted, "I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't just take on a new guy without having a plan."

"You're right"

"I know I'm right, now what's your plan"

"That's for me to know and you to find out" she said, before puffing another cloud of smoke into Liam's face.

"Ugh. You're disgusting!" He coughed, putting his mouth back to the gap in the window.

The trust was, Aurelia didn't have a plan. She was doing this because she had to. But she couldnt let anyone know. She would train Thomas and get on with it. That was her plan. Not a great one compared with her past plans, but it was something.

"How's the man upstairs doing?" Aurelia changed the subject.

"Who God?"

"No you dickhead. The Italian mob guy."

"You know it's strange, he doesn't even have an accent"

"I don't really care, how is he?!"

"He's good I think, Benjamin is on duty with him today. He is quiet. Eats well I guess. Probably gets better treatment here than in Italy."

"What do you mean?" She tilted her head, flicking her eyes to look at the man next to her before turning to the road again.

"Well didn't you see how he looked when he first arrived? He was so thin and weak."

Guns & Pain - A Tom Holland/Mafia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now