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A large folder thrown violently onto the desk in front of him making his eyes bulge.

"The rules" Aurelia stated, plopping herself down onto her chair and resting her elbows on the hard wood.

"T-thats all the rules" he stammered, turning his head slightly to look at Liam and Benjamin sitting on the couch to the left of them, looking for a confirmation. But their expressions where firm.

"Yes and is there a problem with that?" Snapped Aurelia. Ever since she picked him up she had been planning how to make his stay a living hell.

"No" he straightened himself.

"Good. I want you to read all of these today. It will explain you schedule of the days ahead, who you will be with, where you will be. It will tell you what you are forbidden to do. And if you look at pages 178- 204 you will find a list of consequences if you fail to obey these rules. One of the rules is to not ask me questions. I don't really care about them, so don't ask -"

"Feel free to ask me and Liam though" Benjamin piped up making Aurelia roll her eyes before continuing. Tom looked at him with a small smile, silently thanking him.

"Liam and Benjamin will show you your room and where you are and aren't allowed to go in this house. For the first few weeks if you are needed in a certain part of the building you will be escorted there. I don't want you snooping-"

"I wouldn't." Tom interrupted but instantly regretted when he felt her glare at him. "Sorry, I um I would never snoop. Not if it's not my business."


"Benjamin and Liam will now give you a tour of the building and then when you get to your room you are to complete the task I have given you." She finishes, sitting herself down on her chair. Looking up to see Tom still sitting there looking at her. "Get out"

He quickly stood, "right, sorry" he mumbled, struggling to picking up the folder. Once he finally had a good grip on the folder and was able to stand straight, "Um thank you" he smiled slightly making Liam chuckle behind him.

Once the door had finally shut and Aurelia was at peace she sighed deeply, running her fingers through her hair. She didn't want this. None of this.

Bribery was her thing. She was the queen of bribing people to do what she wanted, she loved to bribe, to get her way. She had never been on the recieving end. Never had anyone had a good enough bribe for her to except. And yet her came this man, who claimed to know her, her father, her family and bribe her.

Looking down at the paperwork she had on her desk, she frowned.

How am I going to make ends meet?

In the opposite side of the house, Benjamin and Liam were showing Tom each room, stating the basic functions and whether he was allowed in there or not.

"This is were we eat dinner as a lovely happy family" smiled Liam, opening the door to a large incredibly detailed room. It had a long oak table right down the middle, with tall chairs along each side. A chandelier hung above the centre of the table. If the sun hit the jewels on a certain angle, the room would light up with small speckles of glitter.

"Wow this is so much nicer than our dining room at home" gapped Tom, staring at the rooms features. "Do you have your meals here every day?"

"No, not at all. Only for special occasions. Like Christmas" said Benjamin. "It used to be just a plain room. But when Aurelia took charge this was the first room she changed. She decorated it herself. I remember the day the chandelier was hung up" he smiled reminiscing on the memory.

Benjamin was the oldest member in the house. His father used to work for Aurelia's. He had a one night stand with some woman, who gave birth to Benjamin. Then left. Therefore he grew up in this house, alongside Aurelia.

When the dining room was decorated, Aurelia was ecstatic. Her smile was so wide, Benjamin thought her face would crack. That was the last time he saw her smile so much.

Tom looked at Benjamin, "did she like the chandelier?"

"Oh yeah. She loved it. Was her first largest purchase. You know what you are like when you get your first paycheck and buy things." He chuckled.

They continued on their tour, Tom smiling and saying Good morning to everyone who passed them, they just stared at him oddly.

The three stopped at the end of one corridor and looked to eachother.

"Well that's the end of the tour, any questions?" Asked Benjamin.

"Wait what about Aurelia's roo-"

"No" interrupted Benjamin.

"But shouldn't we show him were it is?"


Tom looked confused, "what is it your taking about?"

"Aurelia's room" Liam said quickly before Benjamin could stop him.


"What? He asked a question." He shrugged.

"Why can't I see where her room is?" Tom asked rasing an eyebrow.

"We can show you the door but you can't go inside. No one is allowed inside, not even us" explained Benjamin. "Come on, this way"

Walking towards Aurelia's room, Liam was jumping up and down. "I would love to see her room. I just want to see what her real style is like! Does she have candles? Is she a reader? Is it all pink?! Does she have houseplants? Are there records hanging from the walls? Or is it just plain black? Like most rooms here?" Rambled Liam.

Liam had joined when he was 18. So had only been there for 6 years. Yet he was one of the most respected members. He didn't take shit from anyone and he made that clear on his first day. Aurelia had met him at a gay bar.
She was there on a mission, one of her very first missions in fact. She was tracking down a rapist. Not only was he a rapist, he also owed her father money.

When Aurelia spotted her target, she noticed a young boy sitting with him. Liam. He looked interested in what the monster was saying, yet Aurelia could see a sense of anger coming from the boy. A couple of hours had gone by of Aurelia watching the two talk before she noticed them leave. She instantly stood and followed them.

As she left the club and walked down an alleyway she suspected they had gone done she was surprised to see the man down on the floor and Liam standing over him panting.

After that night, Aurelia requested for  Liam to join her fathers gang . She told her father she would train him and that she saw potential in him.

Liam was her first recruit.

"Why isn't anyone allowed in her room?" Asked Tom.

"It's one of the rules. She wants her privacy. And we respect that. She deserves it" Benjamin said

"Yes yes whatever. But I would just love a peek into her room "

Tom stared at the door and pictured how the room might have looked. There was something in him that couldn't

Picture what her room looked like. From what he had gathered on Aurelia was that she hid alot. His father had asked nim to not only get trained - by Aurelia but also to learn more about her - how she worked? What her aim was etc. If only he could have a look in her room he could find out about her.

So that's all my drafts uploaded meaning the next chapters are going to be unedited so if you notice any mistakes just make a small comment and I will fix it. Also I would love your opinions so far - comments and thoughts always motivate me to write, so please make comments and tell me what you think please. And as always thank-you for reading! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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