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Dear diary,

Hey how's it been? I know I haven't written to you for a while, but that was cus of the move. Can u forgive me? After the divorce, dad got custody of me. Yay!!! I never liked my mom cus she was a tiger mom. One time I got a B- on my English paper and she slapped me. Ugh I hate that bitch,well I'm glad we moved out of state even though a state isn't probably enough space between me and her. I even changed my name cus I didn't want to use the name she gave me. Instead I used Christa, my middle name that my dad gave me. Tomorrow is my first day of high school at Titan high. I'm really excited and really nervous too. Should I tell them that I'm gay? Do you think they would ignore me? I haven't told dad yet cus I'm scared he won't be accepting. Well I hope there are some cute girls at my school and I hope none of the guys hit on me... again. Well I'll tell you how my first day is tomorrow, bye!

Christa's Diary [Ymir x Christa] (Yumikuri)Where stories live. Discover now