I Fucked Up

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Ymir's Diary: Well eh... I fucked up. So you know the girl I invited over for dinner? Well i was mad she was late and i kinda started thrashing my apartment. After that happened the bel rang and I thought it was Christa so I opened the door and started yelling at her... Turns out it wasn't Christa and it was my ex Annie. Surprise. She pushed me onto the couch and started making out with me. Moments later Christa appeared out of the doorway and last I saw of her she was crying running away. smooth right? So now I have to chose between my ex who I might still have feelings for, or my crush. Shit. I'll tell you who I chose next time diary.



"Who the fuck was she?" Annie exclaims
"Well I didn't want to leave so I told my dad that I could live on my own here" she explains. The expression on her face saddens. "Aren't you happy that I'm back?"
"No cause you just kissed me in front of my crush!" I tell her loudly
"Well you don't beed a crush now cause I'm here, don't you still have feelings for me?" She asks a bit worried
"I do..." I say not really sure if what I'm saying is true. "but I also have feelings for her".
Her expression hardens.
"Well you're gonna have to choose between me or her" she says looking very pissed.
I take a long pause before I answer.
"I think... I'm gonna have to go with... Christa." I say feeling a bit sorry for her.
"I can't believe I ever loved you, you BITCH" she screams as she slaps me in the face. I can see tears falling from her eyes as she turns away and walks out. I probably deserve that slap. But that's one thing checked off my list. Now to check off the next. I grab my black leather jacket and sprint out the door running as fast as I can to Christa's house.

Christa's diary: So diary, wanna know why I'm curled up in a ball locked in my room crying? Cause of the cute coffee shop girl, Ymir. I went over to house for dinner, but she was fucking kissing another girl! I couldn't take it anymore and just ran back here. Well I guess I fucked up, I shouldn't have been late. And I don't usually swear, but I'm just so MAD! Oh that's the doorbell. I guess I'll try to make myself look the least bit respectable before I answer.


A/n: So uh... Hi? LOOK ik I haven't been writing recently and ik this is really short. This was just to tell you that I'm alive and that I haven't given up. Thank you for all the support you guys have given me and thanks for sticking around. I can't believe the amount of reads I'm getting. I don't think I would have had the motivation to write this without the people, few there may be, telling me that they can't wait for an update. For example: TheEmmoKittyKat, OTAKUSHOULDHAVEJAPAN, sleppyafallthetime, Live_Love_Writer (check out her yumikuri fan fic btw) and Brocolicious for just stickinf around. So anyways guys thanks for the support and seeya!^_^

Christa's Diary [Ymir x Christa] (Yumikuri)Where stories live. Discover now