First Day

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I don't own AOT/SNK nor do I own the pictures. I only own this fan fic. Btw italics means thoughts

"Historiaaaaa! You are gonna be late for school" I hear my dad shout from the kitchen.
"Coming!" I yell back
I roll out of bed landing head first. While rubbing the back of my head, I walk to my closet. Deciding what to wear today is difficult because I want to make a good first impression. I choose to wear a red tank top with a black leather jacket, a white ruffly skirt and black flats. I walk down the hallway into the kitchen hugging my dad from behind.
"Mornin' Dad!" I greet him all perky
"Morning sweetie" he replies smiling at me
"And dad don't call me Historia, I changed my name remember. I didn't want to use the name she gave me." I say in a whinny voice.
"Sorry pumpkin' I forgot" he replies rubbing his neck giving me the "sorry" face.
" Wait you didn't register me into school as Historia Reis did you!?" I ask with a scared expression on my face
"Of course not!" He says as if I was being absurd while handing me a plate of bacon and eggs
"Okay, sorry daddy" I say while giving him an apology hug
I scarf down my breakfast and kiss him on the cheek before leaving the house. I leave the house at 6:30 knowing that school starts at 7:30 giving me time to get used to my new surroundings at school. School is only 10 minutes away so I decide to walk. Around five minutes in I see a star bucks across the street and decide to get a coffee. I join the line and I see a really cute girl in front of me. I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't muster up the courage. I hear the girl order a black coffee. I try to listen in for her name and I hear her say Ymir.

After buying a cappuccino, I start walking back to school. The whole way there the only thing I can think about is that cute girl, Ymir. Once I walk through the door I knew how this school would be. There are paper airplanes flying around, new couples making out, graffiti being sprayed on the lockers and the whole hall just spelled M-E-S-S. I take one step and already a boy approaches me. He is tall with short brown hair and kind of looks like a horse. I sigh.
"Hi, I'm Jean and you are?" He asked enthusiastically.
"Gay" I blurt out
"I- I mea-"I start but he cuts me off
"Don't worry it's fine I'm gay too!" He says happily and hugs me.
Well I can see the gay side I think to myself. I pull away from his gay bear hug.
"Sorry" he starts " you're just so cute!"
"Thanks... I guess" I say awkwardly "Hey do you know where A2 Chemistry is?"
"Ya, I'm im that class too! Follow me we can sit together" he says excited.
"Sure" I say following him

We get to class and we sit together in the front row. Just before the bell rings a girl walks through the door. I know that girl from somewhere. Oh my god that's Ymir, she's even prettier from the front. She has short brown hair done in a ponytail and her bangs part in the middle, she is much taller than me, perfect frame and has freckles all over. "Perfect" I say under my breath. She takes the seat behind me and I have a little dance in my head. Okay Christa you can do this just turn around and talk to her. As I turn my head 90 degrees, the teacher walks in and sits at his desk. Dammit.
"Good morning class, my name is Mr Ackerman, but you can call me Heichou" He says to the whole class "before we begin, Christa would you like to introduce yourself?" He asks
"Um... hi, I'm Christa Reis and I just moved here."
"Thank you Christa" he says
" Now turn your textbooks to page 22."
Instead of grabbing my textbook, I grab my sketchbook instead since I'm not too interested in chemistry. Thinking of what to draw, I hear a soft thud behind me. I quickly turn my head to see a sleeping Ymir. After seeing that I decide to draw Ymir. After 5 minutes I was able to get the frame done and then...
"Misses Reis please pay attention!" Mr. Ackerman scolded
"Sorry sir" I reply in fright taking out my textbook.


I tried to catch Ymir before she left the class, but before I knew it she was gone. I rushed to the cafeteria where most of the students where, hoping she would be there. I scan the wide spacious room, but it revealed nothing, but teens stuffing their faces. I decide to buy a coffee as if the first one wasn't enough. As I exit the line with my coffee, some juniors thought it would be funny to trip me, thus they did. I face plant onto the floor much like me rolling of the bed except this one hurt more. I look up to see the damage that my coffee did. I see a boiling Ymir staring down at me fumes coming out of her nostrils.
"OMG Ymir I am so sor-" I try to apologize, but she cuts me off
"SAVE IT" she snaps and then runs off to the bathroom I presume. Great job Christa, you just ruined your chance with a cute girl. I get up and run as fast as I can to the girls' bathroom. I slam into the bathroom door making a bang noise. I rush into the bathroom, but no one is inside. I think to myself as to where Ymir could have gone, but then I see that one of the stalls are locked. I knock on the door, but no reply.
"Ymir, please I'm really sorry" I plead for forgiveness, yet again no response. I decide to just give her some space and go to third period.


I take a seat in my last class for today and slouch in the chair. Still depressed over Ymir I take out my sketch book and flip to the page with Ymir. Continuing on with my drawing, I suddenly hear a familiar voice.
"Watcha' drawing?"
I look up to see Ymir and quickly grab my sketchbook and slap it shut.
"Omg Ymir I am so sorry about earlier" I say avoiding her question
"Nah it's cool, besides how can I stay mad at a cute girl?" She teased
Dis she just call me cute. I could tell that I was bushing.
"Christa, you are blushing" she teased even more
After I calmed down I asked " Instead of spilling it own you, can I buy you a coffee? To apologize of course."
She giggles. Wow even her giggles are cute.
"I'd love that" she answers smiling back at me
YESSS!!! I ACTUALLY ASKED YMIR OUT. Wait does Ymir see it that way? Oh what ever it's a start.
After math we both head out of the school together. We walk for five minutes until we reach the Starbucks. Everything was going well until we joined the line.
"Christa?" Ymir asks
"How do you know my name?"

Dear diary,
Today went from the worst day ever to the best! At break I spilt my coffee all over Ymir and she got really mad at me. I was close to crying my eyes out. Then at math she called me cute and I asked her out for coffee! Well that was my first day at Titan high in a nutshell. I'll talk to you tomorrow!

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