Ymir's Poem

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The girl and the monster

Once upon a time there was a girl and a monster,
The monster was cute but the girl was hotter,
The monster asked the girl out on a date,
Little did the monster know that she would be late

The monster built up anger and let it all out,
On the pillows the curtains the lamp and the couch,
There was a knock at the door and the monster thought she would see,
The little girl just standing there guilty

She was short and cute but she wasn't the girl,
She pushed the monster onto the couch and they had a whirl,
The monster didn't know the girl would appear,
Until it had fallen to the ground a tear

The monster scared the girl away so she ran and ran,
The monster still liked the girl so she thought of a plan,
She dumped the other one and got slapped in the face,
She ran to the girl's house like it was a race

The monster knocked and knocked but to no avail,
Until a little blonde angel appeared so small and frail,
Her eyes were puffy and her nose was red,
Seeing her like that wants to make the monster dead

The monster asked for forgiveness but the girl said no,
The girl slammed the door on her face and the monster left feeling low,
At school the monster was still ignored, she got so desperate she prayed to the lord,
The monster made a friend who helped her out,
She thought of a plan from the teacher's shout,
When the bell range she ran to the girl's locker,
Who was she? Of course the monster


Ugh I am so shit at writing poems. I cringed while reading this. Well this is what Ymir put in Christa's locker. Enjoy.

Christa's Diary [Ymir x Christa] (Yumikuri)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang