Chapter 7

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No one's p.o.v.

Today (Y/n) was helping Asta with the chores. He was running around screaming while also cleaning.

"'s literally early in the morning...are you trying to wake everyone up?" (Y/n) asked Astas while sweatdroping at his antics and mopping the floor.

"Sorry but I can't help it! I'm just so excited!" He shouted.

"Why are you so excited about doing these chores anyway?"

They continue to doing all sorts of different chores like: cleaning up the library, doing the laundry, feeding the beast, thought the three headed beast feared (Y/n) for some reason, so Asta was able to feed the beast without being eating himself. There is another job that they had to do. And that was waking up the captain. Since Asta wanted to look cool and brave to (Y/n) he volunteered to wake him up. Even though (Y/n) suggested that she would be the one to wake him up, but Asta insisted on it and went to to do just that.

After the captain threatened to kill Asta he ran away out of fear. Leaving (Y/n) behind. (Y/n), unfazed by the captain threats to kill, just walked out, going back to her room leaving Asta to finish the rest of the chores.

The whole reason why she helped him do them, was because Asta woke her up. Instead of beating him up for waking her up, she decided to help him do the chores in order to finish faster. If (Y/n) knew that if she was to beat him up to a bloody pulp Magna would be all up in her face again.

She went back to her room. She knew that she won't be able to fall asleep so once she entred it, she locked the door, putted up the curtains. She used her fire magic for some light. (Y/n) was trying to replicate Finrals magical ability. But no she wasn't able to. Whenever she would make a portal she could only keep it stable for 5 seconds, and exploded. Strangely enough with didn't cost that much sound. Because (Y/n) couldn't just go and ask him for help or anyone for that matter, so she decided gave up for today and leave it for later time and when to get some breakfast.

Everyone was in the cafeteria talking. Asta asked Noelle on why she didn't help with cleaning and stuff like (Y/n). And her response was. "Cleaning? But I'm royalty."

"You do realize that there are no butlers or maids and the place isn't going to clean itself up?" (Y/n) asked.

"Of course I know that, I'm not an idiot."

"You need to help us do the chores because you're also a newbie like me and (Y/n)." Asta chimed into the conversation.

"I've never cleaned or done laundry in my life." Noelle said.

"That's not something to brag about, is it? We're in the same squad, aren't we?" Asta questioned her. "I'm pretty sure you should be helping with that stuff."

They continue like this back and forth with Noelle bring up the argument that "she is royalty" while their other squad members did not care. (Y/n), who also didn't care, as to what they were talking about anymore, stopped caring for Noelles excuses.

Then Asta turned to Magna and asked. "So, uh...what Magic Knights do anyway?"

"What? Are you seriously asking that?" Magna asked him back while getting up from his seat and walked towards Asta. "We protect the kindom and handle security! That's the most manliest job in the world, you dumbass! Why'd you decide to join when you knew nothing about it?"

Asta then apologized and said that he wants to become the Wizard King.

"They sure are lively first thing in the morning." Finral commented.

"Being energetic is the best. Can I have some of that energy?" Gordon asked but as usual no one heard him except for (Y/n). But she didn't know what to say so she stayed silent.

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