Last Cup - 6

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You tap your foot along to the opening synth, feeling the jazzy beat. Then a familiar voice comes on.

"Yoongi, is this you?!" You cry out, immediately reaching for the phone to turn the volume up.

Yoongi nods, saying nothing but his grin grows at how excited you are. You see the flash of gums, recognize it as the smile usually only reserved for customers. God, how your heart continues to flipflop at the sight.

You lean forward, trying to catch the fast-flowing rap. It's poetic, weaves a story of a couple around the metaphor of a seesaw. A constant back and forth that ends in heartbreak, a dissolving that's ultimately better for both parties in the end. When it ends, you instantly want to listen to it again – it's that addicting.

"This is the song I wrote for the competition. I wanted to show you, since... Yeah."

"Wow, it's so good, Yoongi. I swear, you're going to win." You want to put this song in your music library and play it on repeat until you know every line. You play it again, listen silently as you really absorb the piece. "I really love the lyrics. And how it progresses. Also, how the singer leaves in the end, alone. I think too many songs out there promote the exact opposite message, even if it's a shitty relationship, ya know?"

Yoongi nods, cheeks slightly flushed, but he looks so pleased. "Actually, this song," his breath hitches, "I wrote it about you."


At first, you're flattered, beaming even. Then you remember the song's contents.

"Umm... Wait..." You frown. He's not saying... "You want to 'put an end' to us?" Hell, you didn't even know there was an 'us' to be had!

"Ah, no!" Yoongi's sleepy eyes blow wide, almost comically so with panic. "No. Definitely not." His hands clench his knees tightly, as if to stop them from shaking. "I... wanna stop this ambiguous back and forth. This seesaw that we're on. Of not being just coworkers but not really being anything more than that either."

"...You want to be more?" Your voice comes out in a whisper as if you can scarcely believe it.

"Yes." He exhales. "I want more. I want to be with you. Try things out with you. See where they go." He drums his fingers against his leg. "You make me a better person. And I want to be there for you too." His lips quirk up, not sure what expression to land on in his nervousness. "That is, uh, if you'll have me."

He's adorable. So freaking cute. You never thought you would see Yoongi like this, and it's just about the most endearing thing you've ever seen.

You lean forward and press your lips to his in answer.

Yoongi is soft.

You feel him hesitate for all of a second before he's kissing you back, really kissing you back with all of his might. It's sloppy and your rhythm is all off, but the passion that radiates from him pours the sweetest honey into your system to douse you in heat. He scarcely breaks away to breathe as he tilts his head, searching for a better angle to move against your mouth, to reaffirm this is truly happening and not just some fever dream.

His arms wind around your frame, tugging you closer as if he can't bear to have any space between you while his tongue traces the outline of your lips. You open for him instinctively, unable to refuse any of his silent requests to taste. You've both been denied for too long, but time has not made you forget the curve of his mouth, the nibbles he loves to inflict. His breath tickles your skin as you finally find your pace together. A wild beat you thought you'd lost forever but now roars back to life.

That's why you're practically scrambling into his lap, shoving him backwards on the couch in your urgency. Having him against you, tongue flicking against yours, wipes away all thoughts save for him and how incredible this feels, how he feels. It makes you greedy for more, especially more of the muted groans of need that you coax from his throat and swallow.

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