Chapter One

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Present Day

The medium size dark brown wolf stalks across the uneven ground, following a specific smell. The smell grows stronger the deeper he gets into the woods. The wolf stops to sniff the air before taking off into a run. The trees thin out revealing a log hunting cabin nestled on a small tract of land that is clear of trees.

"I think I found something," the wolf says.

"Wait...we aren't far behind," comes a commanding voice.

The wolf shakes his head, like his companion can see him.

"Don't shake your head at me!" comes the same voice, now high pitched in exasperation.

The wolf hears a quiet huff of laughter and one word 'Stubborn' is whispered fondly making him smile.

"I trust you to follow me," the wolf says, already walking towards the house. At his first steps the ground gives way causing him to stumble. As his body makes impact with the dirt it completely crumbles and he falls a few feet before slamming to a stop on a hard uneven surface. He whimpers in pain before everything goes dark.

The sleek black dragon with a fiery red underbelly roars, losing altitude as a wave of fear and pain zips through his body. The fear and pain are not his own. He can hear the answering growl from the large white panther waiting for him on the ground. Getting control of his sudden descent he lands lightly, a black shimmer surrounding him and as it dissipates it reveals a tall, lean man dressed in all black. The only color on him is the red hair tie holding back his hair in a ponytail. Dark eyes glitter in anger while full pink lips turn up in a scowl. The white panther runs towards the man, a blue shimmer swirling around him with each step. When he stops he is now a man. Standing over six feet tall he is a few inches taller than the man in black. He is wearing a variation of dark blues. His blonde, chin length hair is tucked under a skull cap. He pulls a small device from his belt, handing it over to his companion.

"What is the use of a tracking chip if the fucking thing never works?!" The device goes soaring through the air, breaking apart on a tree.

"Wei Ying." It's said in a gentle, scolding tone.

"Lan Zhan..." comes the whiny reply.

Lan Zhan steps closer to Wei Ying gripping the back of his neck with one big strong hand. "Calm your mind and focus. Breathe..."

Wei Ying takes a deep cleansing breath, emptying his mind. He reaches out through their bond and his knees sag when he feels the, ba bump, ba bump.

Lan Zhan brings him closer, winding his free arm around Wei Yings waist, pressing their foreheads together. "See, he is alive. In pain and unconscious, but alive."

"Do you know what area he was in?" Wei Ying asks, leaning heavily on his mate in comfort.

"He was headed south. If the tracker is of no use we need to call on a spirit," Lan Zhan says.

Wei Ying is already pulling Chenqing, his dizi, from the loop holding it on his belt. He brings it to his lips playing a sweet tune that opens his and Lan Zhan's eyes to the spirit world. There are three spirits in their vicinity. Lan Zhan summons Wangji, his guqin. Settling his elegant fingers over the strings he asks,

"Who among you is willing to assist us?"

The spirit with the blue (stable) aura floats over to them. Wei Ying plays a few notes and the aura lifts. A short woman in her mid twenties stands before them. Alive this woman had been a beauty. In death she is still beautiful, but in a washed out way.

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