Chapter Six

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Twenty Some Years Ago

Jiang Cheng is sulking. His papa tries making small talk as he drives them towards Gusu, but Jiang Cheng stubbornly keeps his scowl in place and his eyes averted. He isn't unhappy with his papa or with the trip to Gusu. Yanli is with their mama visiting their maternal grandparents. Jiang Cheng is traveling around with his papa while he does business in the other clan territories. Their family deals in fish and other freshwater delicacies. Lotus root and the plant/flower being one of their highest grossing products. Most business deals are done now online but Gusu Lan still prefers to do their negotiations in person. With his wife and daughter away Fengmian decided he and Jiang Cheng would get some father son time in. Before they left Jiang Cheng didn't take the news of Wei Ying joining the Scouts very well and now he is pouting.

"Jiang Cheng, you will be twelve before you know it and then you'll join the Scouts. Wei Ying wouldn't want to see you sad," Jiang Yanli says to him before leaving with their mama.

"I won't be with Wei Ying or Jiejie! I want to be with Wei Ying and JieJie!" Jiang Cheng yells, rubbing at the mark on his wrist.

When a child turns twelve they join the Scouts, but until they turn sixteen they are separated into alpha, beta, omega only groups. Each group meets one weekend a month at the Scouts Campground that is centrally located between the major clans. This is to help build connections with their fellow peers. The smaller clans that reside in each of the major clan territories are also invited with the larger clan being responsible for transporting the children to the camp. A mix of alphas, betas, and omegas from the different clans run the campground serving as chaperones and teachers. The children with spiritual tools are trained on how to use them. The creation of the scouts happened shortly after Baoshen Sanren's prophecy. The clan leaders wanted to give Omega's a safe way to be exposed to alphas and betas to see if any true mate bonds would be formed.

Jiang Yanli kneels down next to her brother, taking his hands into her own.

"You will join us when you are older."

"I don't want to be an Omega anymore! All I get told is no, no, no. Make it come off," Jiang Cheng yells, scrubbing at his mark.

"A-Cheng, stop," Yanli scolds softly. "There is nothing wrong with being an omega. You are special, didi. I'll keep telling you how special you are until you believe it. One day you will find your true mate and they will know how special you are too."

"I choose Wei Ying to be my true mate," Jiang Cheng declares. "Jiang Cheng loves Wei Ying."

"That isn't how true mates work, didi, but you can love whomever you want."

"Good," Jiang Cheng grumbles. "I love Wei Ying."

When they arrive in Cloud Recesses Jiang Cheng goes through the motions of greeting the clan leader Lan Qiren before being excused to have a snack in the lounge area of the office building they are in. Jiang Cheng leaves the snack untouched to slip out the door once he is unsupervised. Shifting to Sandu he wanders aimlessly around the area sniffing the air. It smells different in Gusu. Being at a higher altitude than Lotus Pier the air here is crisper, and sweeter than at home. Catching the scent of a bunny, Sandu takes off in the direction it is coming from. The smell gets stronger as he approaches a large clearing and he stops in surprise to see just how many bunnies are milling about. He is even more surprised when the bunnies closest to him don't shy away when he comes forward.

"Not afraid of the big bad wolf, I guess," Sandu murmurs as a particularly brave bunny sniffs his paw.

"You're not that big," comes a dry tone.

"Big enough! I'm 10 ½!" Sandu huffs before turning around to see who is teasing him. A medium size white panther is staring at him with mirth in his eyes.

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