Chapter 2: Moonlit Dance

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Aristelle of Philia wanted to leave the ballroom. It was stifling, the people, the dancing, the endless clamor of voices.

Cassian was tired as well. A young man of tall stature, light hair and speckles of confetti on his skin. He was the barefoot princess' closest friend of similar class status. A bit of an airhead at times but he never had ill will.

"I will murder myself if no one else will," mumbled Aristelle.

"Aris, you know that's not an option here," said Cassian.

Out of the corner of Aristelle's eye caught a strangely familiar face. She grabbed Cassian's arm in a tight grip. "Hey isn't that...?"

"Ow...what are you talking about?"

"Come," said Aristelle, grabbing his arm and pulling him along towards what she found curious.

It was a rather decrepit corridor for the servants where they met the figure of familiar stature.

"Butler?" Cassian raised a brow.

"Your majesty," said Aristelle. "What are you doing?"

Cassian looks at Aristelle in shock before turning to the butler. He watched in growing shock at the identity of the man. "P-Prince Aurelius?"

The young man chuckled to himself before facing them. "How curious, a young noble lady of all people finding me as quickly as she did."

Aristelle and Cassian properly greeted him.

"Is there something you need from me Lady Aristelle? I do hope that you would keep this a secret between us here," said the prince.

"Actually yes," said Aristelle, giving him a cheeky grin. "Are there spare uniforms? I would want nothing more than to join you."

"Join me?"

"Aris," said Cassian through clenched teeth.

She elbowed Cassian in the ribs. "You're feeling restless too aren't you? C'mon, you've gone along with all my nonsense in the past."

"Well, yes but that was when we were children. This is the prince we're speaking to..."

"Why not?" The prince seemed in good spirits. "More the merrier, yes?"

Aristelle beamed. "Wonderful"

The events that occurred after were absolute bliss to Aristelle. She had mischievously snuck to places she hadn't before and dragged not only Cassian but the prince with her. She frightened the maids and butlers with spontaneous dances. She snuck pastries in her apron before dashing off with her companions. Once they had made their way outside the castle, they sat by the wide steps leading to the garden. She then offered the very pastries to Cassian and her new friend.

Prince Aurelius looked curiously at the pastries. "Is Lady Aristelle usually these are the servant's pastries are they not?"

"Absolutely," replied Cassian. "Your highness, not to disrespect you in any way, but you're more than welcome to say no to her."

The prince chuckles. "I'm quite alright, I'm having more fun than I've had in ages."

"They're tasty," said Aristelle. "The kitchen is always filled with these chocolate pastries. I say we're missing out on not having any."

The prince ate them. He seemed delighted. "It's strangely charming, being given something like this."

Soon after Aristelle finished her pastry, she rubbed the back of her heels. "Curse these shoes," mumbled Aristelle, slipping them off.

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