Chapter 8: Final Dance

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The day seemed strangely gloomy for that day of celebration. Soldiers paraded into towns upon horses with their tired weapons stashed away into their hilts. Shouts and songs of celebration filled the air for weeks.

But in the town square there was a woman dancing alone, long after the parade had ended. There was no music and no shouts in glee but still she danced. The townspeople had begged her to rest but still she persisted.

The dancer had become weak, her feet began to show signs of wear and her body started to become unsteady. Soon it began to rain, and the town retreated indoors leaving her alone.

The rain began to pour harder.

She danced in the rain, as if she were the lone person left in that world. She was worn but she wore a smile like she had found a dear treasure.

Then she spun until her feet gave away. She fell down...?

But she was upright as if she had never fallen in the first place. There was a warm grip around her waist.

Her chocolate eyes fluttered upward, eyelashes slightly damp from the rain.

"Milady," said the voice softly. It was Reeves, with what seemed to be a mix of rain and tears upon his face.

Aristelle blinked slowly, processing the man in front of her. She steadied herself in his arms before reaching out to stroke his cheek.

She reached up to caress his cheek. She spoke in barely a whisper. "You're back."

"Milady, your feet are bloodied, you must rest," said Reeves, eyes deeply furrowed as he tucked the loose strands of her hair behind her ear. But his words fell on deaf ears.

Aristelle grabbed his hand and looked at him with a steady gaze. "But I am living freely now, don't you see Mister Reeves?"

He took a deep breath before pushing out words that had been prepared for that moment. "May I have this dance?"

"I thought you'd never ask," said Aristelle, pulling him closer towards her. She danced like never before, she danced like she was a child again. She recalled running through halls against her father's wishes, she recalled the endless chasing in the garden, all of it seemed to be alright in that moment.

She spun around Reeves who released her. As if it were planned, her hand was held by another.

"Lady Aristelle" This time it was Prince Aurelius, still dressed in all his royal garb with a parade of royal subjects nearby.

"Your highness," said Aristelle, rather than being surprised by his presence, she seemed relieved.

"May I have this dance?"

"Gladly," replied Aristelle.

Like a stage had been set out for them, the townspeople began to emerge to watch the spectacle. Musicians even began to bring out their instruments and singers began to chime into all create a familiar song.

Finally, when the dance was over, the prince held her hand to kiss before letting her go.

She spun again gracefully, letting the rain pelt her face. Eventually she found herself facing an old friend, who offered his hand towards her.

He bowed slightly too low as if he was apologizing. "Aris"

Aristelle held his hand and pulled him in, not batting an eye to think twice. "Dance with me Cassian."

Cassian's brows furrow with worry but he complies, nonetheless.

It's a quieter moment, a dance between old friends. It's not grand, but it is nostalgic of another time in their lives. There was laughter shared amongst them, there were tears when they would fight, and the bittersweet memories of Soleil. The thoughts all flooded her mind.

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