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He was the co host and executive producer of the #respectfully Justin show

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He was the co host and executive producer of the #respectfully Justin show. The show basically invited celebrities to come and talk about things they wouldn't normally talk about. It's supposed to be fun and light hearted. YN worked behind the scenes but sometimes they needed more cute girls in the back for commentary so she would sit in from time to time.

Her and Justin's relationship was very simple they hated each other the sight of him alone pissed her off if she was thinking and he crossed her mind she would be pissed. But he was the executive producer and she low key loved this job she got to meet celebrities and basically chill at work while getting paid a lot of money so this was a job to keep. It was before the show started and she had to set everything up making sure the chairs were comfortable all the other girls were cute and that all the sponsors would be able to see their product. After setting everything up and then delegating to her assistant what else needed to be done she went and changed. She placed her and her best friends seats directly behind Justin so that if she still needed to work she could. They would be on the camera when Justin was on camera so she had to look right.

She bumped into him on her way to sit. "You one of the girls in the back today" "yes right behind you so if you need anything" he cuts her off "alright you got the Deleon in the gold bottle cause last time you didn't" "yeah it's out there" "okay" he starts to walk off "you're welcome🙄" she mumbles but he hears her. "YN! What you say" "I get you partially my boss but don't be screaming my name .... Calm down sir" "look here you don't get a thank you for doing your job it's what you're supposed to do. do I get a thank you for writing your checks? No cause it's what I'm supposed to do" "thank you.... see how simple.." he cuts her off again "Whatever" "it's really basic to say two damn words instead of barking orders at me I do my damn job and I do it well don't....." she gets caught off by her assistant "YN we really need you out here...." "Go do your job then cause checking me ain't one of them" she scoffs walking off. "Ughhh" she walks off fast going up to her assistant.

"Something wrong?" "No they're just doing lighting and everything so they need you in your seat and I needed to get you away from him before you regret something you might say " "okay cool and thank you cause idek what it is about that man but he pushes my buttons ya know" her assistant laugh "yeah we all know we have to hear that shit every time we work " YN smiled walking out to her seat

"what took so long?" Her best friend whispered to her. "The douche bag was hollering at me in the back" "wtf for what?" "We're just oil and water anytime we're in the same area as each other for too long we argue we just don't mix" "you know what I think it is 🥴" Her best friend felt that it was because they both were sexually attracted to each other and the sexual tension had been building up since day one. YN however knew that was not the truth and if it was the truth she wasn't ready to admit that yet. "it's not sexual .... He's not even really my type like he's cute but eh his personality fucked that up for me like he pretends to be all good vibes with every one but he sees me and acts like he has to teach me something like I won't fuck him up" Justin and Justin walk out with the celebrity guests. Since they're about to start. Everybody gets comfortable.

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