Pull up on ya

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It had been two days since he has seen her in person

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It had been two days since he has seen her in person. He was upset about how it all went and it was out of his control. He's usually better at being calm but she pushes those buttons and he just snaps. He has called her and she hasn't answered he's gone by her house and she hasn't opened the door. Today he went by and caught her best friend coming out and locking the door he stopped the car hopping out to talk to her. "Can you just let me in so I can go talk to her please?" "Justin I wouldn't do that even if she was in there and she's not so just go on" "where is she?" "Why would I tell you?" "Look I'm trying to get my shorty back just let me know where she is" "she's safe and she's gonna be gone for a few days that's why I've been checking on her house and feeding the fish" "whatever" he walks and get back in his car. The last thing he wanted to do was curse her best friend out she really would be done with him "Justin I think it's best to just cut your losses you went too far.she's done with it" "Nah not yet" he speeds off going home.

That night he went into a downwards spiral He had become a detective trying to watch her friends' social media pages to see if they would slip up but so far no one did. She had him block so he made another profile and went to her page and she had gone private lucky for him Shaderoom reposted her video and he happened to see it she was clearly at a hotel on a balcony looking as fine as ever. "This looks familiar" he zoomed in trying to look at the buildings that surround it and then it hit him what hotel she was at. So he went back and got in the car driving damn near an hour to see her.

When he gets inside he keeps calling her phone letting it be on speaker so the front desk man can hear it then he walks over to him. "Sir im so sorry to bother you but my wife got us a room here about two days ago my flight has been delayed but I finally got in and I think her phone is dead or something she's not answering if I give you her name can you just give me a key to her room? It's been a long ass day and they lost my luggage im struggling" the man looked at him apprehensively. "Sorry I really feel sorry for your situation but I can't help you we have a strict policy ... for the safety of our visitors" "I get that sir but I really need to get in my room with my wife" the man sighed feeling genuinely sad by Justin's fake unluck "if you have three pictures and a video with her after you give me her information then I'll give you a key" Justin's eyes got wide from excited he didn't even expect to get in but he was glad he was persistent. "Thank you sir um her full name is y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n her date of birth is _ _|_ _|_ _ _ _ and here go three pictures of us together you can scroll however many times you need too it's a bunch in there" the man smiled "okay everything checks out here's your key it's room 1505 I hope your night gets better sir" "me too thank you so much" Justin rushes off to the elevator riding up to the top floor which was number 15 her exact floor. All that was rushing through his mind as the elevator stopped to let other people off was what she could possibly be doing. Was she fucking somebody else giving up everything that had become his. He rushed off the elevator once it got to the fifteenth floor walking to the right and a little down the hallway it was her door. He stopped for a second to see if he heard her saying anything or laughing or....moaning when he couldn't hear anything He used the key and went inside her suite to find.......
She wasn't there. Now he didn't know if he should leave and wait in the parking lot or just wait for her to get back. He decided to just wait up in the room he didn't look at his phone or even turn on a light he just sat there and waited and waited. About an hour passed when he heard her giggling. "Nah girl I definitely had too much fun .... Oh alright You can call me back tonight though I'm walking in the door right now ..... alright byeeee" he heard the click of the card being inserted and then she opened the door and turned on the light walking further into her suite and then she sees Justin and she screams. Was she excited that he was there? After the initial shock Definitely, it showed he was dedicated but also scared tf out of her cause how did he even get in here. He on the other hand was wondering where she was in a dress and heels like that but he wasn't in the position to ask those questions. However, each curve was exaggerated making her body that much more irresistible to him and he's sure other niggas was all over her so where tf was she at being in this position fucked with him and almost made him angry again which wouldn't be good for him he was hoping she would just slip up and say where she was cause if she didn't he may never know. Maybe that's for the better though. She had questions he didn't want to answer either.

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