Octonuats ACTUAL jobs

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Most of my stories occur during work breaks or on their days off. But what they actually do when they are working?


Aboard the ship:


Commander Barnacles polar bear - Commanding officer

Barnacles drives the ship (when it is not on autopilot), controls the operations, and acts as Mission Director when the usual on-land Mission Director is away or if the mission is not important enough for the on-land Mission Director to be involved.
(Yes, Barnacles' official title is "Commander," but his crew still refers to him as "Captain" because he is captain OF THE SHIP, as they should.)


Lieutenant Kwazii cat - Operations Officer

Kwazii is in charge of Operational management, A lot of day-to-day operations and preparation for scientific requests, and he keeps the mission moving forward and always tries to plan for what is next. (Kwazii in the official Octonauts show does none of that tho XD)


Peso Penguin - Emergency Person

Peso tends to medical emergencies aboard the ship.
(That's it. If the mission goes smoothly, which it usually does, Peso does nothing. Lol)


Dr. Shellington otter - Marine Biologist (Co - Science Lead / Sample Analyzer)

Shellington identifies organisms found on missions analyzes samples brought in from missions.
(He shares the title of "Science Lead" with Prof. Inkling, but Inkling is significantly more experienced than Shellington, so Inkling is sorta the real Science lead.)


Dashi Dachshund - Engagement Lead

Dashi develops domestic and international external partnerships, translates science for decision-makers, and program design, helps the Captain drive the ship.
(Dashi's position on the ship is very close to the Captain. This is why they are such a close couple. :3)


Professor Inkling Octopus - Marine Biologist (Co - Science Lead)

Inkling does much of the same stuff as Shellington and covers for Shellington while he is busy analyzing samples.
(Their jobs are interchangeable, but Inkling takes the lead most of the time.)


Tweak rabbit - Electronic Technician / Engine Utilityman

Tweak manages the ship's electronic equipment, Conducts ship maintenance, repair, and operations.


On Land:


Professor Natquik fox- (Snow) Hydrologist

Studies how water and ice move across and through the Earth.


Paani Macaque - Hydrologist

Studies how water moves across and through the Earth.


Min Red Panda - Mapping Lead

Makes digital maps of the ocean floor using the information sent back from the octopod's computers.
(She is lead but there are many who do the same thing at the company, as with everybody else's jobs.)

Tracker Polar bear
also works there, (have not decided what he's gonna do yet. XD )


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