Other things to know about my Octo-AU

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Just a few other things that don't fit in any particular category of information.

1. Reproduction...😳

So, this isn't something talked about much and I won't go into any detail, but basically, there are no mix species in this universe.
Like for example, Barnacles and Dashi wouldn't be able to have some hybrid kid together. It is scientifically impossible.

When interspecies couples want a kid they have to adopt or get the... Uh stuff... from a donation clinic.
Now that may seem bad and inconvenient, but at least they don't need to... wear protection... if you get my drift...😅

Again, for example, If Dashi and Barnacles were to get married and wanted a kid, they could either adopt what ever species or breed they wanted, or go to a donation clinic and get the... *cough* stuff... of a male dog. They could even chose what breed of dog they wanted the... 😳... stuff to be from.
So no PolarDogs are to exist in this AU!
But like real life, if any two animals  genetically similar enough mate, they could create a hybrid species of some kind. For example if a Blue Jay and Stellar Jay breed they might create a hybrid of the two birds. Something that actually happens irl!

2. First Names, Last Names...

Now as you may know, the Octonauts don't have last names; they are simply- (first name) (species). But celebrities that exist irl exist in this AU, and they obviously have last names. So I this AU, celebrities change their names to make themselves sound more important. Similarly to how people with only one name like Cher are considered interesting and popular. So at one time, Ariana Grande was just Ariana cat until fame came upon her to change it to Ariana Grande.

3. Orientation

Orientation for this world works the same way it does irl.
Heterosexual, homosexual, and anything in between.


So, like irl, this universe has serious racism problems, though it's a little more complicated since there are so many different species and so many different breeds.
In this universe the animals who's life is easiest, in the sense as to how easy it is for the individual to use everyday item such as appliances and utensils are the one who get the most advantages (similarly the how white people irl are sometimes viewed.)
They are the one who get the most opportunities and have the least discrimination directed towards them. In this universe the most advantaged animals are the monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, and all the more "human" looking individuals.
This is a world where humans never existed and the other primates developed intelligence.

Because the primates evolved first they created society and everyday items to be caterer to them. They are considered by themselves and other species to be smarter and make up a huge chunk of the population.

Now for a broader categorization, the "hierarchy" of animals with this "how easy life is for them" logic goes like this with they're scientific name in parentheses: Mammals (Mammalia), Birds (Aves), and finally Cephalopods (Cephalopoda.)
Out of these three classes as they're called, the Mammals are on top. With their opposable thumbs, life is easier for them (with the primates having it easiest.)

Next being Birds; they have a harder time, considering their lack of thumbs and their big feathery wings getting in the way, using utensils and grabbing certain things can be tricky sometimes.
Birds get less job opportunities leading to higher unemployment rates and higher crime rates.
So the fact that Peso got the job he did was unbelievable to some people.

But on the bright side most bird can fly.

Birds make up much less of the population compared to Mammals.

Finally, we have Cephalopods, the most disadvantaged out of the three classes.
They have the incredibly not fictitious ability to breath on land and in water.
(Now I try to make everything as scientifically accurate as possible and this may seem out there but it has been theorized that cephalopods would adapt to land living extremely well. In fact Game Theory made an excellent video on the subject-

It's not like the lack of thumbs is a problem for them thanks to their suction cup, and as much as the primates hate to admit it, cephalopods on average are extremely intelligent!
Their only disadvantage is the fact that getting around on land is much more difficult for them, so they make up just a small percentage of the world population.

There are a lot of other layers of discrimination and all that in this, but I won't go into it here.

I know that was a lot of information I just threw on you all, thx if you read it all XD


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