Chapter 5

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Bakugou's POV:

The bell rings for lunch. I collect my work and stuff it into my bag. Walking out the door. As usual I wasn't going to have a proper meal for lunch but I was going to have a small snack. After lunch is going to be Hero Training, so I have to get some energy. I'm not going to lose a fight with anyone, if I do it just shows how weak I really am. After finishing the rest of my protein bar and throwing out the wrapper, I walk outside of UA to a small park.

It was quiet and relaxing. I started to think about how I was going to do this. I want it to be a quick death, one that will for sure lead to me dying with no chance of surviving. Looking around my gaze lands on the UA building. The roof. Judging by its height it'll be a quick death, with a for sure guarantee of dying.

Great. I can easily get up there by launching my quirk, but that won't be necessary because there is a staircase somewhere; leading up to the roof top.

Before I can think any further the bell rings. I make my way to the locker rooms where I'm met with loud and noisy chatter. "Hey Bakubro! Ready to train?" I hear Denki call from across the locker room. "Obviously dunce face! Ready to get your ass beat?" I shout back with a smirk on my face. After quickly changing into my hero outfit I make my way out onto the training ground with Kirishima and Denki talking happily behind me.

"Alright! It seems everyone has arrived, let's get started! I will be calling out your names, whoever you get paired up with will be who you are battling against!" All Might says, his voice booming loudly. Then he begins to read off of his clipboard the partners.

Mina VS Tsyu
Denki VS Mineta
Kirishima VS Jirou
Aoyama VS Sero
Bakugou VS Deku

My head immediately shoots up when I hear my name. I completely ignore all the other names being called out.

I was fighting against Deku?! I don't want to lose against him but I also don't want to win. After all i've done to him, I can't do anything else to hurt him. Damn it! Why did it have to be that nerd?! I cant fight him! Not because he's stronger than but I haven't even forgiven myself for what I've done! I look over to Deku and see he's also nervous. That nerd is fidgeting with his hands, every time he  does that it means he's nervous.

I've been with him since he was little I've got him read open like a book. Walking over to him, my heart is thundering. What the heck am I doing?! My body moves on its own and approaches the nerd. "Oi, Deku!" I place my hand on his shoulder and he jumps. "Stop fucking fidgeting with your hands." I grumble. Why the hell do I care anyways?! "H-huh-? Oh, sorry Kacchan! It's a force of habit." He laughs nervously.

"Bakugou and Midoriya!" All Might calls out. "Looks like we're up, cmon Deku." I say walking towards the platform.

There is one thing I know for sure. I'm going to lose this fight. On purpose.

Midoriya's POV:

Somethings up with Kacchan, I can tell. He isn't acting like his normal self. He hasn't been yelling or screaming anything and he hasn't been picking fights with me. He also hasn't been calling me names recently, he just calls me 'Deku'. Not 'nerd' or 'idiot' or some sort of name like that which should be good but it's worrying me a little bit.

I quicken my pace to get to the platform where Kacchan is already standing. I'm already a nervous wreck, Kacchan is a lot stronger than me.

"Okay, begin!" All Might calls. Immediately after that Kacchan throws an explosion off into my face. I quickly dart to the side activating 25% of One for All.

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