Chapter 9

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Bakugou's POV:

"Kacchan..please, just let me help you!" Deku pleads.

I keep my gaze on the ground. I don't feel anything but numbness. I don't even feel myself holding back tears like I usually do. The thought makes me cringe. Just how weak am I? For the past months I've been crying, all the time. I really am weak.

"Kacchan?" I inhale sharply.

"I don't need you help Deku," I lift my head to meet his gaze. "I'm fine on my own." I see a flash of hurt on Deku'a face. I get up and walk towards the bathroom but i'm pulled back. "Your not fine on your own! Why can't you just accept my help?! Can't you see!? Your not okay, and you need help so just accept it!" Deku yells at me, tears streaming down him face.

I hold his gaze for a couple seconds before I break free from him grip. "I'm fine Deku. Stop worrying about me and go worry about somethings actually worth worrying about." I stuff my hands into my pocket. "But your not okay. Your something worth worrying about! Everybody is worried about you!"

"Tsk, what are you on about nerd? Why would anybody worry about me?" I shake my head. How stupid can he get? Everybody worried about me? What a funny joke. " Everybody's noticed you've changed! You went from screaming and yelling and throwing insults all the time, to not saying a word, or having fights, no cursing, no challenging everyone, energy!" He sputters out. My eyes widen and I freeze. He can't mean everybody. I haven't been acting that different have I? If everybody's worried, I'm screwed! I thought it was just Kirishima, maybe Mina, and Deku. If everybody's'll just make it more hard for me to leave. Maybe he was joking. Please tell me he was kidding.

"Get out Deku."


"Get out."

"But Kacchan I-"

"Deku, I'm not going to repeat myself. Get. Out." I cut him off. He opens his mouth then closes it again and slowly walks towards the door. " to me." He says before walking out and shutting the door quietly behind him. I wait for him footsteps to retreat before I collapse onto the ground. I want to cry but no tears come.

I needed to go. I needed to leave, now. If I didn't leave now.. I won't be able to do it later.

I slowly get up off the ground, I open my drawer and take out the notes and place them across my desk nearly before making my way towards the door. I open it as quietly as I can and look around. I see Todoroki hugging a crying Deku in his arms. My heart aches, I didn't mean to make him cry. It always hurt me when I saw him cry.

Suddenly I lock gazes with Todoroki. We share eye contact before I tilt my head and slightly smile. I hope he got the memo to keep Deku safe. I quietly shut the door behind me before quickly walking off towards the staircase that led up to the UA rooftop. As I approached the stairs, it was blocked off by some caution tape. But that wasn't going to stop me. I duck under the tape and quickly run up the staircase. I open the door and met with a cold breeze. I slow my pace and walk towards the edge. Me and Deku must have talked for a long time because it the sun was already setting. I cant complain though, it was a beautiful sight.

The last sight I'd see before I took a swan dive off the rooftop.

Todoroki's POV:

As I'm walking towards my dorm, I see Midoriya running down the hall crying and wiping his tears. I was about to call out a 'watch out' but I was to late as he bumped into me. "Ah! O-oh, I- Yo- I-Im-" Midoriya stutters. "It's okay Midoriya. Are you okay?" I ask placing my hand on his shoulder. "I- Me- K-kacchan- I-" He sobbed as I pulled him in for a hug.

I'm Sorry. Bakugou AngstHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin