Chapter 10

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Todoroki's POV:

Tears streamed down my face and they kept coming. I heard people talking but couldn't focus on their words. I havent cried like this since when I was little.

Bakugou jumped. He really jumped. The shock stuck with me. I was to late. I couldn't save him. I was to late. I couldn't stop him.

Wrapping my hands around my head, I hid my face in my knees. My thoughts were screaming at me. Please tell me this was a joke. A horrible, terrible dream I'd wake up from. Bakugou...Bakugou would never jump. He'd never do this right? He was confident, he was happy, he was playfully angry. He was everything everyone needed to get motivated. He'd never do this. He was okay. I would have known if he was suffering in silence. I've seen it before. I'd know.


Midoriya's POV:

I sat in my bed swimming in my thought till I heard the sound of sirens and cop cars. I wipe some tears that were still on my face and got up. I never expected to get into another fight with Kacchan. I'm just worried for him.

Confused and upset I get up and make my way outside my dorm to be met with my classmates also peeking out of their dorm. Why were they're ambulances outside? Usually if something happened around here we would be put on lockdown. Was it a surprise villain attack? No the alarms would have gone off.

"What's going on? Why are there ambulances outside?" I ask to nobody in particular. "I'm not really sure Midoriya, I'm sure Mr. Aizawa would have contacted me if something was going on." I heard Iida say.

"Uhm, do you guys know where Todoroki and Bakugou are?" Denki pops into the hallway. "What do you mean? Kacchan is in his room, and Todoroki's in the kitchen."

"Wrong, Bakugou's rooms actually empty and Todoroki isn't anywhere in the dorms." Kirishima says walking right in behind Denki. Panic bubbles into my throat. Kacchan isn't in his dorm? And nor is Todoroki. What if it has something to do with them? No i'm overthinking. Kacchan would never get hurt. He's okay, maybe he went out on a walk?

"Maybe we should go check it out." Mina says as everyone gathers into the main hallway. "No Mina, that would be reckless. We should wait here for instructions from Mr. Aizawa or one of the teachers."

"But what if they need our help? We can't just stand here, I'm going who's with me?"

"I'm in."

"Coming right behind you."

"Count me in."


"Me too."

"I guess I'll come along too."

"Well I cant just stand here can I?"

I see all my classmates nodding their heads. Iida shakes his head, "Listen we can't just-"

"Iida-kun, they might need our help, we have to go see what's going on out there." I say, slighting pleading. Everyone murmurs and nods along. Iida looks around and sighs. "Okay, I will come with you as your class president, but if anything happens it is on you."

Nobody replies and we can head out of our dorms. We follow the noise of the paramedics and end up in front of UA'a main building. Everything is cautioned up and we try to move the tape and go in before we're stopped by some sort of security. "I'm sorry, but you are not allowed to go in." A man grunts.

"What do you mean we're not allowed to go in? What's going on?" I try to nudge the man away but he doesn't budge. "No can do kid. Your going to have to wait to see if your principal wants to tell you. In fact i'm not sure what's happened exactly either."

I huff out annoyed and worried. What's happening that we can't see? I hear some whispers from my classmates but no one else puts up a fight. Suddenly one of the doors open and Todoroki walks out of the building.

"Todoroki! What's going on?" I run towards him but something isn't right. Todoroki doesn't even look at me, he has a shocked look on his face and tears streaming from his eyes. He sits down against the wall and buried his head in his knees. "Todoroki? What going on? What happened are you okay?" I slow down my pace until i'm right in front of him.

"Todoroki? What's going on are you okay?" I hear Ochaco ask from behind me. Todoroki shakes his head and keeps mumbling something I can't make out. Now I'm really getting worried, Todoroki's never shown this much emotion before, something must have really triggered him. Than I remembered Kacchan. "Todoroki? Where's Kacchan?" At the name Todoroki stiffens and stops mumbling. My heart races, so it is about Kacchan. Did he get hurt? Why were the paramedics here? What's going on?!

Suddenly the doors opens once more and Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic walk out. Present Mic gives Mr. Aizawa an assuring nod before walking off. Mr. Aizawa looks shaken up and I can see his eyes with small tears forming. This wasn't going to be good.

"I- I have some..some bad news for you all." His voice cracked a little before he took a deep breath and continued. "I'm sure you all know Bakugou, he was a great student and today-.. today, he took his own life by jumping off this building. As of right know it is almost sure he won't...he won't recover." I heard gasps all around us and some sobs but my ears were ringing so loud I barely heard them.

Kacchan..Kacchan...Kacchan jumped off the roof? I slowly sank to the ground my breathing was quick and I couldn't control it. Kacchan wouldnt. He was brave, he was smart, he was..he was happy. He loved winning, he was strong, he was doing just fine.

But he wasn't doing just fine. I'd seen it and yet did nothing. All those cuts, how skinny he had gotten, all the bruises, all the signs, and I ignored them all. I let the tears fall but I couldn't even let out a sob, I felt..I didn't feel anything, I couldn't feel a single emotion yet tears still flooded my sight. Why didn't I do anything? Why didn't I help him? Why didn't I...why didn't I do anything? Why did I just stand there and watch. My vision became blurry, black spots flooded my vision, the ringing was so loud, my heartbeat was so loud.

I let out the loudest scream I ever could.

And I finally broke down sobbing. Why? Why? Why did Kacchan do this? Why didn't I do anything to help him earlier??
Why? Why? WHY?!

I cant breathe, I can't stop the tears, all I can hear is ringing, I can't see anything but pitch black.

No, no, no, no, no, NO.

This was all a bad dream. Kacchan would never do this. He would never! Never! I would wake up and see Kacchan again, he'd be all angry and yelling. This was all a bad dream.

But deep down I knew this was reality.

I'd never see his smirk again, his rare genuine smile, his ruby eyes, his yelling and cursing, his loud explosions, him saying my name. I'd never see him again. I'd never be able to see him again.

He left me. He left us. He was dead. He wouldn't have survived a fall that high up. He's gone. He was taken from me. What would Auntie say? What would she think?

Why? Why did this have to happen to me?

Please, give him back..

I love him.

I'm Sorry. Bakugou Angstजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें