Chapter 7

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Bakugou's POV:

After a long talk with the nurse and that embarrassing talk with Deku I was finally able to go rest in my dorm. I'm pretty sure  the rest of my class got some details and I was give a week to rest and eat and all that jazz. I don't understand why they gave me so much time off but it'll give me enough time to write my goodbye's, regrets, and apologies.

Yes, you probably guessed it I'm going to commit suicide. Maybe Deku really does care, maybe he wasn't lying. Maybe he has really forgiven me. But I will never forgive myself. I deserve it, and if everything Deku said was true than maybe it would hurt, but he'd move on fast right?

I walk over to my desk in my dorm and sit down. I trace my fingers over the wood and pick up a pencil from the holder. I take out some sheets of paper and place one of them in front of me. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to say but I guess I'll start off with Deku since he is my childhood best friend. Or was my best friend before I got arrogant and bullied him.

I start out simple and go along with everything I've ever wanted to say to him but never had the guts to say to him in person. I write a few more letters to Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Mina, and Jirou before I put my pencil down and stretch my hands out. My hand feels like it's about to fall off from all the writing. I actually wrote more than I expected too. I fold the papers and put them into some envelopes I had in my drawer.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I throw on a hoodie, unlock my door and open it. Standing there is Sero, Kirishima, Denki and Mina all standing there. My heart pounds. Did Deku tell them everything? Did Kirishima say anything about what happened between us?

"Tch, what do you want?" I internally cringe at the crack in my voice. I could tell they noticed it as well but didn't push me about it. "Hey Bakubro! We were wondering if you wanted to have a movie night with us and the Dekusquad? Some of the others in our class weren't able to make it but it should still be fun!" Denki says with his usual grin, though I can tell he's not as energetic as usual.

"Whatever, I'll be there what time?" I probably shouldn't have accepted but it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun before I go. "Sweet! It's actually in an hour or two, 7:30 p.m!" Sero grins like an idiot. "Alright whatever, I'll go, bye." I grunt and shut the door. I hear them leave as their chatter and footsteps get quieter and quieter.

I look at my watch. 6:25 p.m. it read. I have a little over half and hour to do whatever I want so I guess I'll sleep for awhile. I reach for my phone and unlock it setting an alarm 10 minuets earlier than the sleepover. I toss my sweater to the corner of the room and shuffle into bed placing the covers over me and getting comfortable.

After a little while I slowly drift to sleep.

7:20 p.m.

Bakugou's POV:

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm beeping. I swipe it to the off side and rub my eyes. Getting out of bed I grab a pair of black sweatpants, a white t-shirt and an orange, and black oversized hoodie.

Pulling my phone off the charger, I push it into my pocket and leave my dorm. I make my way down to the common area and met with a loud chatter.

"Hey Bakugou made it!" I hear Kirishima call out. I glance over to Kirishima to catch him looking at me. Great, he's probably still pitying me after I had a panic attack in front of him. Good thing I won't have to last with this much longer.

I sigh as I sit down. "Alright guys! Lets play a game! How about..." Mina sits there thinking, "Spin the bottle!" She decides. "There's no way I'm playing that, you guys have fun." I say pulling out my phone for it to be grabbed.

"Nuh uh Bakubabe! Your playing!" I groan, "Oi pink cheeks, give me back my phone." I say holding out my hand.

"I'll give it back to you once you play a couple rounds!" She says with a devilish grin. I groan once more and sit in the circle with everyone else. "Whatever lets get this over with."

"Okay! I'll go first!" Says Mina as she spins the bottle around. It lands on Sero and everyone goes wild. Mina and Sero laugh it off playfully and both kiss each other and the game goes on.

"Oh um, Kacchan! It's your turn now." I hear Deku say from in front of me. I huff and spin the bottle hoping I don't get Denki or something. Suddenly the bottle stops and I look up to see it's pointed at...


"Nah, fuck this. I'm not kissing him!" I grunt getting up about to walk away. "I still have your phone Bakubabe! C'mon, you do want it back right?" Everyone chants for me to do it and I glare at Mina, but she doesn't budge. I look over to Deku who's as red as a tomato trying to get everyone to quiet down and fails miserably. I look back at Mina silently pleading her to let me off the hook as I feel a small blush spread onto my own face.

I groan and walk over to Deku, sitting down I pull him in by his shirt and smash my lips onto his. I hear everyone gasp and cheer. We both pull back and avoid eye contact at all costs. I cant believe I just kissed Deku! Do I like him? No! I don't! He probably doesn't even like me back anyways.

"Alright, I did it! Now give me back my damn phone pink cheeks!" I yell walking over to her. She giggles and hands me my phone. I grab it from her and walk out of the common room embarrassed.

I knew I shouldn't have went! I cant believe I actually kissed Deku to get my damn phone back! What if he thinks I'm gross? I basically just came out as gay to everyone there! They probably think I'm disgusting. That I'm a fag. Damn it!

I slam my door and plop down onto the bed and internally scream.

I'm Sorry. Bakugou AngstWhere stories live. Discover now