Bruce: Normal Day

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I groaned lowly as I woke up to my alarm going off. I grunted as I turned it off, slowly sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Normally Alfred would be the one to get me up, not an alarm, but he's getting older now and I thought he needed some vacation time. Besides, I know how to take care of my wounds, cook and drive a car. I didn't need him for all that, though his company and care when I was younger was definitely appreciated.

Yawning quietly, I got up and did my early morning routine. Which was get changed into some sweats and go to the indoor gym to train. I usually stay there for an hour working on some new part of my body, this week was on flexibility and agility. After that, I would then take a shower and dress in one of my suits before eating breakfast with Alfred and Dick.

Of course, with Alfred gone, this routine did need to be adjusted, but I didn't mind that. It felt good to be in the kitchen, cooking some food for me and Dick, though it would've been nice for Alfred to taste my cooking. He could point out what I need to do better on.

"Where's Alfred?" My ward asked, turning his head around as if our old butler was hiding.

I chuckled a little at his childish ways, which made him blush and stop. I didn't mean for him to do that.

"I gave him a few weeks off. He needed to spend some time with other members of his family." I hummed.

Dick's eyes widen a little before he pouted. He picked at his food, making me frown some. Did I make it wrong? I thought I had made his favorite; did I get that wrong? My heart began to beat a little harder, but I kept my body remaining calm. Showing nervousness over food really wasn't something that Dick needed to see from me.

"Does this mean we won't be doing our nightly outing?" He looked up at me, his blue eyes shining with sadness.

I gave a smile to him, shaking my head. A feeling of relief washing over me. "No, we will. After all, this is Gotham, crime never sleeps."

At my words his mood instantly picks up, his eyes now shining with glee and laughter before he began to eat his food a little more eagerly. I chuckled at his childish behavior, but it was refreshing. Besides, maybe while Alfred is away me and Dick can bond a little more beyond just being Batman and Robin.

"I'll be driving you to and from school till Alfred comes back." I looked up to him, wanting to see how he would react. If he didn't like it, I could call someone to pick him up.

His already glowing eyes widen before he beamed more, nodding happily. "That sounds like fun, Dad!" He called out.

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. It had only been a few months since he's started calling me Dad, and it still leaves my heart fluttering in joy. It oddly feels like the world is lifting off of my shoulders. It was a strange but relieving sense.

"Well, we better hurry if we don't want you to be late." There was a new teasing tone to my voice as I took a gulp of coffee.

My boy groaned before jugging his milk. He then bolted from the table to possibly finish whatever routine he and Alfred had. I might ask the old man or him about that later.

Soon, me and Dick were in one of my many sports cars and driving down Gotham's many main roads. I don't like taking back roads, no matter how much quicker they were.


I blinked some, slowing the car down before stopping it right at the gates of his school. I blinked a couple more times, noticing how white my knuckles were from how tight I was gripping the wheel. Slowly, I peeled my hands off the wheel and took a deep breath.

"A-Are you okay, Dad?" I looked over, feeling Dick's hand on my shoulder.

His youthful face was twisted in worry, his eyes shining with a knowing look. I had trained him after all to be a good detective, it made sense he would know why I was tense. I took another deep breath before giving him a small smile and ruffling his combed back hair.

"Sorry... Just remembering." I murmured in a low voice.

My boy gave me a small, understanding smile. He then hugged me, patting my back gently. I closed my eyes and patted his as well. We both were in the same boat. We both were orphans who lost their parents for someone else's greed and wrath. But I will make sure he won't become like me. I don't want him to live so helplessly and so filled with hate that you have to be consumed by darkness just so you won't lash out. He won't become like me, even if he takes on the mantle of Batman.

Slowly, I pulled away from him, ruffling his hair again. "Have a good day, okay? Try to keep calm and not get into fights." The last part was said in a jesting tone.

The young boy, who could easily pass as my biological son, laughed with me. He nodded hurriedly, letting the dark air in the car disappear with ease. After all that, he grabbed his bag and left as the bell rang.

I smiled softly as I drove off, continuing on my way before my face fell into a neutral frown. It wasn't long before I was at Wayne Enterprises. I couldn't help the exhausted sigh that left my mouth. It was going to be a long day, I could feel that. A long and boring day.

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