Bruce: Solitude and Love are a Similar Fortress

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It's been at least a month since I was taken here, and it has been somewhat good. Me and Dick are well fed, there's a gym that we can use, and Clark is allowing us to learn more about his home world. On the weekends, or what I can assume are the weekends, Clark and I make dinner together and watch movies or tv shows. Basically, the weekends are date nights, and they're lovely. Which only makes it so much worse.

Of course, he wasn't always here with us. He had to keep up appearances as normal Clark Kent. He even told me that after a while, he'll take over the world for us, for me. I could practically see that thought consuming him, him muttering plans of invasion and how to do it in Kryptonian.

I sighed, looking around my new room to focus myself on something else. It was beautiful and warm, comforting and cozy. Nearly every night, Clark would walk me to my door and kiss me good night. It was so sweet, and I knew I wanted that with him. I want to go on weekend dates with him, take care of Dick and any other children with him, I wanted to kiss him and do so much more! But...

"Bruce, what's wrong?"

I flinched as I looked up to the devil. He walked over to me, kneeling in front of me. He reached up and cupped my face.

"You're heartrate..." He muttered.

I nodded, sighing softly.

"It's fine, Clark."

Clark frowned, looking worried.

"Am I not giving you enough attention?"

"No, it's not that."

"Are you bored with staying here? Next date we can-"

"Clark..." He stopped talking, focused completely on me. "Clark, I love you." His face lit up, looking so happy and it hurt. "I love you and it... I never felt this way."

"Bruce," he looked at me with such a loving and caring look. "It's alright, this is a new feeling to me too. I know you're not usually all about your feelings, but we'll work on that. I promise."

He stood up, pressing his lips against mine. It was a soft kiss, just a conversation of love. I am ashamed to admit that I clung to him, deepening the kiss myself. We fell onto my bed, his hands dancing against my body.

I closed my eyes tightly, just trying to enjoy this heated moment. I would apologize to him later, when he's back to normal.

"It's late..." I muttered as we pulled away, panting a little.

He frowned, cupping my face. "It doesn't matter."

I smiled to him, kissing him once more.

"You have a job to do... But for our next date night, can we go somewhere?"

He smiled and nodded. He then kissed my head, finally leaving me alone. There was a click and a faint buzz and then there was silence. This told me that he was letting me have my privacy. It made me smile a little, but it also made me feel lonely.

I bowed my head, covering my face as emotions welled inside of me. It felt like a torment of hell inside my body and mind. I want him, I genuinely love and care about him, but Ivy's poison... Was he truly in love with me? Was it all just the poison talking?

"God damnit!" I shouted, throwing a chair at the wall.

It didn't make me feel better. I felt worse actually. I sunk back into my bed, covering my face again. It was wet from tears. I had been alone for years since my parents' deaths with only Alfred as my only companion. I had spent years of my life learning how to either avenge them or to make sure it never happened to someone else. The path I had chosen was path of solitude and darkness. Now, I have this...

I had heard that love was a good thing, that it was wonderful! But it didn't feel that good. If I had to put any feeling to it, I would say it felt like my training again. Except I wish it was my body that was breaking.

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