Red Ribbon Army II

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"Phew! That was a close one!" Goku chuckled as he shook the water off himself.

"Oh, Goku! I'm so glad you're my friend!"

"Even though you tried to abandon him..." Krillin mumbled at Bulma as he stood up from the sand and looked out at the ocean. "Geez. That treasure... We were so close to being rich."

Bulma laughed chaotically, making Krillin look at her weirdly.

"Taaddaaa!! What's this?" Bulma smirked pulling out a large diamond from her panties.

"You grabbed it during the commission?!?? It's a diamond! A large diamond!!! I thought your panties were bulging too much!"

"Ha ha ha ha! As if she had a-"


"Exactly that, Goku."

"Li, you do know that Goku doesn't know the difference between a girl and boy?"

"Really?" She questioned looking at Goku.

"Yeah! The only way he could tell is if he pats your crouch."

" He did that once. I thought it was his way of saying 'hello'."

"Seriously, Li?! You can't trust any boy who'll touch you wrong! Especially near your privates!"

"You seem to do that a lot with guys though, Bulma."

"It's a teenage girl thing, Li."

"Will you be like her, Li?"

"I would hope not."


"You're a great person Bulma, but you have to be careful around men."

"Great! Now I'm the one getting lectured. And by a 13 year old none the less."

"I'm 12 actually."


"Wow! You're younger than me?" Goku tilted his head.


"I guess that makes Li the youngest."

"Now to get back in topic. This diamonds gotta be worth several million Zeni."

"Oh yeah. That's right. I got the Dragon Ball too!"

"Oh! Which one is it?"

"Foo... Three stars. It's not Grandpa's. Jeez. We went through so much to find it, too."

"Not the four star ball?"

"No..." Goku answered Bulma.

"Are you going to keep hunting dragon balls until you find the four star one?"

"Yeah, of course!"

"That sounds exciting! I'm sure you can find it, Goku!"

(Dragonball)||Book1||Dragon Force||+Oc insert||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now