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It was almost midnight, when the lights went out at King's. Of course, there was no generator. So instead, I had to use my candles. Only to realize, they weren't here. Why? Shabnam and Marcus had taken them a few days prior, for a stupid prank. How it ended, I'm not quite sure, but I never got my candles back. I can't be left in the dark, much less alone, so I decide to go to the boy's room. Maybe the girls are there too. 

While it's silly and wishful thinking, I'm hoping it's true. I like Saya, And most of them. Marcus not so much. He's cocky, full of attitude, and overall, to God damn good looking for his own good. 

I can't stand him, and he's the same way about me. Constantly teasing, nothing I never return. I decide that because of the fact that none of the monks have banished anybody to their rooms yet, I'm going to take my chances at getting my candles back. My only light sources. 

I sneak out of my room and arrive at Marcus's in less than five minutes. And I am proud to report that I made no sound. I push open the door, not bothering to knock. I close it behind me, softly, not wanting to ruin my quiet streak. As I'm about to turn around, somebody clears their throat. I turn my head to the sound, and to be honest, don't regret what my eyes set sight on. It's Marcus, in nothing but plaid pajama bottoms, hanging low on his hips. His chest is toned, and he's unsurprisingly fit. He's somewhat tanned, a mix between an olive tone and the tan I recently mentioned. 

"Temi? Eyes up here." he teases, and I bring my eyes to his own. He's called me that since we met, Temi. Short for Artemis, the name my mother gave me. I clear my throat, and ask, "Do you know where my candles are?" He looks at me, giving me an agonizing smirk while shaking out his wet curls. "Nope, why? Planning an evil seance to contact your fellow gods of Olympus?" 

 I roll my eyes. "No. I just need them have you seen them? Or have any idea where they could be?" He sighs. "Don't know where your sacrificial candle sticks are Temi." I glare at him. "For the last time, not a sacrifice, or seance. Is Shabnam here? He probably knows where they are."  Marcus shakes his head. "Shab went off a little before the storm started. In fact, you should probably-" 

Marcus is cut off as the monks bang on everybody's doors.  "Stay in your rooms!" they shout. He sighs. "Leave. Before they do that."  I groan. "Great." he chuckles. "I tried to tell you, Tems." I glare at him. Moving around him, I flop onto his bed. "Hey! What are you doing?" I glance at him, before closing my eyes. "I came here for one thing, my candles. And now, I'm stuck in here, with you, and what's worse, is that we're in the dark." I rant, not noticing how he came closer and was hovering over me. My body was position to where I had just flopped backwards onto the bed, my legs slightly parted and my hands behind my head. Marcus stands between my legs, looking down at me. 

"What's so bad about that?" I open my eyes and glare at him some more. "I don't like you." I tell him, and before he can react, I intertwine my leg with his, shoving it back out causing him to fall backwards onto his ass and hit his head on the floorboards. "Ah, shit Tem!" I move so that I'm sitting perched on the foot of the bed, a blanket covering me. I chuckle as he gets up, coming to sit across from me. 

"That hurt, Tem." he says, frowning at me. I playfully frown back. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better?" He grins. "Well now that you mention it..." I roll my eyes, but crawl over to him, careful so that the blanket doesn't fall off. 

I get pretty close, and Marcus looks at me. "You're not going to actually going to kiss me, are you?" he asks, and I roll my eyes. "No, you idiot." I move past him and lean on the headboard. 

He comes and sits beside me, matching my position. Tilting his head, he looks at me sideways. He's observing me, and it's making me nervous, and more anxious than the impeding thunder. As if I jinxed it, a clap of thunder rings out and accompanied by some lightening, flashes light to illuminate the room. 

I jump, pulling the blanket closer to myself. Marcus is still watching me, as I close my eyes. More thunder accompanies it, and more after that. It reminds me of the sound that a gun makes, right as shots are fired. I take in deep breaths, fidgeting with my fingers as my eyes stay squeezed shut. "Temi." I barely hear him over the rushing of blood that I can hear roaring in my ears. "Artemis." 

I open my eyes and look at him. "Yes?" I ask, and he looks at me worriedly. Weird. "Are you okay?" I nod. "Fine. I'm fine." Just as I finish my lie, another flash and set of thunder jolts me, causing me to move closer to Marcus and grip onto his arm. He chuckles. "Sure, you are, Temi."  I'm too concerned with distracting myself to bother retorting back at him. The next round comes, and my nails are digging into his skin at this point. 

Out of nowhere, I'm being pulled onto Marcus's lap, positioned to where my legs are straddling his waist. His hands are firmly gripping my hips, holding me to him. My hands are placed on his shoulders, an instinct to keep myself from falling. 

"What are you doing?" I whisper. He smirks. "Distracting you. It's working, isn't it?" he whispers back.  Being as stubborn as I am, I shake my head no. His smirk grows. He leans closer, his fingers tracing circles on my exposed skin as he places a feather light kiss on my collar bone. "Now?" I swallow and shake my head. He moves up, placing one on the base of my neck, with a bit more pressure. "Now?" he whispers against my skin. I shudder slightly under his touch, and he smiles into my neck. 

He kisses further up my neck, causing me to take a sharp breath in. I move my hands from his shoulders to the back of his neck, clasping my fingers. "Stop messing with me Marcus." I whisper, and I'm ashamed to say it came out slightly strangled. He pulls back from kissing behind my ear, giving me a mischievous look. "Who says I'm messing with you?" he asks, and I give him a pointed look. He lets out a breathless laugh. "Always so serious," he comments, bringing his lips to just barely brush my own. "Why so serious?" He mumbles against them, tantalizingly taking my bottom lip between his teeth, dragging them across it slowly, sensually.

I whimper. My mind is no longer on my fear of the storm, but Marcus. I bring my lips to his own, pulling at his hair at the nape of his neck. He groans, and it somehow manages to turn me on even more. His hands on my waist are pulling me closer to him, closer, and closer, and closer. Soon there's no space left, And I'm pressed against him to where there is no space between us. We're restless, tugging at each other's hair and enjoying the taste of the other. 

While taking a moment to catch our breath, Marcus grins at me. "You're coming to my room every time from now on." He tells me, and I respond by pressing my lips to his once again. 

I guess it's safe to say my look on Marcus has changed. 


Hey! I posted par two of recruitment, and now this. Not quite sure what to label this one, fluff, very slight smut, Idk. But I published! Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and leave any constructive criticism, and I think I might start asking for requests, because I'm already running out of Ideas. Bye! 

P.S Coming at you from 11:09 p.m. rt now, and I just got told to shut my lights out. :) 

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