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Marcus's Pov

I watch her from a distance, pull out a book and get comfortable on a bench. Saya and Billy are with her, and after a minute or two, Billy waves a hand in front of her face. They look at each other and grin, and I wonder what they're talking about. They look like they're talking to her, but she doesn't look up from her book. Hmm. They wave me over, and I get up from my seated position to walk over. 

When I get there, I wrap my arms around her from behind, and she doesn't react. Odd. I pull back and sit beside her. By now, she would be yelling at me to "have some human decency and respect for my space". Her words, not mine. 

I glance at Billy and Saya before taking another good look at her. Her nose in a book, per usual. She looks so invested in it. Has to be something good if she hasn't said a thing about my close presence yet. "Hey Livy."  "Hey." My eyes widen. Did she? I look at Saya and Billy, and they grin. 

"Did she?" Billy nods. "Liv will occasionally get so sucked into the story, she becomes oblivious to anything around her. She just goes with the flow." Saya tells me. I raise a brow. Billy nudges me. "Watch this." He clears his throat before speaking to her. "Hey Liv." 

Her eyes briefly meet his, before going back to the page, like the words would disappear. 

"Hey B." she replies. He continues, spouting off the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. "Are you pregnant?" She absents mindedly nods. Saya finishes what he started, asking, "It's Marcus's, right?" My eyes get larger, as I watch her. She turns a page, humming. "Sure." 

Maria comes over, sitting by Saya. "She in the trance?" She asks. We nod. "Best part is, when she snaps out of it, she doesn't remember anything she said." Maria adds in. I smirk. This ought to be good. "Hey Livy..." I use her nickname, the one she hates, and twirl a section of her hair around my finger. "What's up M." My smirk only grows. She's never done this before. Ever since I got here, she calls me by my last name.  Nothing else. 

"Would you kiss me?" Billy snickers. "Sure." she responds, and I chuckle. "For free?" She turns another page, giving me a strange look. "Unless you've branched out to prostitution." 

I lean closer and brush my lips to her ear. "Kiss me." She freezes and snaps out of the trance. She snaps the book shut, slamming it down on the table. 

Liv's Pov-

I slam the book on the table and pull my hair from where it was previously wrapped. Right around Marcus's finger. I blush furiously, picking up my book and smacking him repeatedly with it. "Why the hell are you so close to me?" He laughs, attempting to shield himself. In fact, they all do. Maria, Saya, and Billy are sitting in front of us. "When did you guys get here?  You just keep popping up, like cockroaches. Jesus Christ." Marcus chuckles. 

I get up, grabbing my book. Just as I'm about to walk off, go back to my dorm, Marcus calls out, "Hey Livy," I spin around and glare at him. "Don't call me that Lopez." everyone else seems to be stifling laughter, as Marcus continues. "Would you ever kiss me?" I gape at him.

 Is he serious? "Are you serious?" I ask, and he grins. "Of course." I shake my head and turn around again. "In your dreams, Lopez. Next time you're that close to me I'll chop your fingers off." I tell him, and they all start laughing. I shake my head again. What are they laughing about? 


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