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Hi! I wanted to thank you guys for reading my book. Because. honestly, it feels amazing. Also, Requests! I have a pretty big imagination, but I am running out of ideas. So, I am officially opening requests. I think it goes without saying you will have to do the following:

- message me about the details

-make sure they are mildly specific, and if you have a character name in mind, let me know. 

- if you have any specific lines, I will try and work them in; but you can see how that might be hard. If you want to title it, be my guests! I would love to see what people come up with. 

Basically, anything else, that you might want in it. I'll just roll along. 

I am going to try and update wayyy more, but I do have my end of trimester and graduation coming up, so we'll see how that goes. And last but not least, I am going to try and start doing shoutouts/dedications to those who interact and stuff like that. Just because.  Anyways, Thanks so much!

 Love you babes. 

Marcus Lopez Arguello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now