chapter 1

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There are many things in the world that make no sense, that doesn't seem right. Yet we accept that is the way of life anyway. Everybody knows curiosity killed the cat, but no one acknowledges that satisfaction brought it back. No one questions anything. They just go with what is and what isn't. Not bothering to search for more or to search for why. Our way of life isn't paradise, but it isn't what I expect to be hell, at least we have a home even if it feels like we don't belong. In my own being of a 5 foot 4, small build, with lean muscle on my arms and legs. To most people I look like I have no way to harm people with my chestnut brown hair tied back in a messy ponytail, with loose fitting clothes that make it seem like I could not give a care in the world, but my electrifying grey eyes do not hide the determination I feel every day and the confusion as if this life feels like nothing quite fits right, but what am I meant to know? I am only 21 years of age. Young compared to most yet those that call me young cannot answer questions that I ask.

Throughout all of history it has been and still is forbidden to show any emotion especially cry. Except you read these stories, these fairy tales, legends, myths even, where emotion is clearly expressed on one's face. With the joy of smiling or the feeling of a tear running down a face. Why this is, no one knows. However, there are myths and legends that there was in fact a time where humans were able to show emotions on their face at any given time. In fact, they were told to because it was always better than bottling up those emotions that would eventually explode like stuffing an object that is already full to the brink that there is no other option than to explode. But those are just stories. Myths. Legends. False truths. I don't think there was ever a time where that would have been possible.

Then I look around me and see ruins of architecture, buildings, that are far more complex and advanced than the houses that everyday citizens live in or work in today. No one knows what caused the downfall for majority of civilisation. All we know is that here we are now with no trace of what they use to live like. But every now and again we find shiny objects that show the reflection of the world around you and it is always broken and shattered, never whole. The word for what it is has long escaped humanity. The need for it may just have vanished when the downfall happened. Sure, there might be some who know the truth, but none are willing to share.

Sometimes I wonder what the world was truly like back then. What's the harm in dreaming? Sure, there are stories of evergreen forests, lakes and rivers that contained only water with no salt and weren't connected to the ocean. Cities full of lights and wonder, mountains covered in what was called blankets of snow. Beaches with sand that was soft enough for your feet to walk barefoot on. But these all are stories, myths, legends, folk tales nothing more and that is all they will stay to be. Some people ask why we dream of beauty when this is our world. Well, the answer is quite simple and easy. It's because we want to dream of a world that we would be happy in, that we feel like we belong in. A world that is better than where we live right now, It's an escape, at least that's my point of view.

I know it's not right to dream or wish for something so big but this world we live in is not for anyone or anything that wants or needs happiness in their lives.

Everyone my age says this is all we will ever see and ever experience because they believe what could they do, what could we do? I mean it's all that the human race has known for generations, then again, we have lost our ways since the downfall. Life is now drab, dull and boring, sure, everyone has a role to play. But is that what you really want, just a role. What about being yourself, doesn't that matter or living your life the way you want, not what has been predetermined for you since before you were born and yet this is the society we were born into.

They say to hope for future generations without making any change themselves. How is anything meant to change without a start? Maybe people don't see or feel something is wrong with this world or maybe they are too lazy to do anything or have accepted this as all it will ever be. That they are powerless in this world.

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