Chapter 2

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Walking through the town all you can feel are the judgemental stares from the very people who make me feel trapped within my life as well as those who have no impact on my life no matter what. Sure, people will talk, when you haven't heard the gossip in a small town than the gossip is probably about you. Normally, I tend to stay in the background so I can avoid the attention, but what was I expecting by walking into the main drag of town with a traveller from out of town who wears abnormal clothes.

The convenience store was even worse since as soon as we walked in everybody ceased what they were doing just to watch our every movement. I don't know whether Danny was used to this type of attention or not seeming as he simply paid no attention to the onlookers. I figured I should follow his lead and so I ignored all those that I would normally have a small conversation with. Luckily enough I was able to escape any interaction with those customers in the store. However, I was not so lucky with the cashier as she tried to start up a conversation "Good Afternoon Conny, I wasn't expecting you today. Normally all your shopping is done on the weekend on the days that the bookstore is closed, instead of closing early because you insist on staying in that stuffy old bookstore all day. Is it because of the stranger you have next to you? You don't even close up early for your parents or your birthday, so what makes him so special that you are willing to do this for him. Can we expect to be seeing him more around you? Now that I think about it, I have never seen him before so where did you meet him?"

The comments make me blush as the cashier who is known as Karen is completely right about every detail. I never close the bookstore early and yet here I am doing just that for a complete stranger who the only thing I know about him is that his name is Danny and that he is a traveller on a journey to I don't even know where.

As soon as I regain my composure I reply "Good afternoon Karen, I just forgot to pick up a couple things last time and this person with me is Danny, he is a traveller stopping on his way through as he continues his journey and he popped into the bookstore earlier for a map and as you know no such thing exists of this town so I thought I would help him out and show him around town nothing more." With my statement finished I paying for the groceries and walk out without another word uttering from Karen's mouth.

Karen. Now she was a persona. If anything, remotely interesting or not was happening Karen would know and then soon the whole town would know within the matter of a day. That is how everything spreads so easily in this quaint town. It also means my parents are going to find out and then I'll have no more excuses on not finishing early on special occasions such as their birthday's because I seemed just fine to be able to do it for a complete stranger. Another thing about Karen is that she is involved in everyone's life considering she is the only cashier and that is the only convenience store in town. So, if you want a secret kept than do not under any circumstances talk to Karen about anything near the topic because I swear, she can sniff out if anyone is trying to keep a secret and she will find out what it is even if you don't exactly say it. It's like, it's her superpower or something.

Getting around town is honestly the easiest since it is majorly just one main street and only a couple branching off the main one but other than that there are no other streets. It's designed like this mainly because people don't want to walk long distances on a daily basis so generally their house will be close to where they work. Majority of people live in the centre of town but not me. I live not on the outskirts exactly but not near the middle of town either. My studio is more situated in between and is situated on the main street.

Opening the door to my humble abode it may not look flash to anyone but to me it is perfect for what I need except for this moment where I wish I had a couch cause I don't feel like sleeping on the floor is acceptable for any human being, but sharing a double bed is not in question it would be a maybe if I had a king bed purely because there would be enough room plus extra for two but a double not so much. I don't feel comfortable thinking of sharing a bed with anyone let alone a stranger.

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