Chapter 4

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After lunch with Danny, it was an awfully quiet afternoon with no customers or anyone really entering the bookstore. Another day has passed now, and it is time for me to start my journey home. I wonder if Danny will be there when I arrive, or will he be with this mysterious person that he has been searching for. Will he be staying with them, once he tells them his story of why he is searching for them and who they are to him. I hope it's no one I dislike immensely because if I'm being honest there is no one that I like in this town besides my own family. I mean there are the kids but by the time they grow into their late teenage years all of their dreaming and hoping disappears and never seems to return, which to me is disheartening as I believe that everyone needs to have those childish hopes and dreams, that they need the light that they provide in their life. However, that is only my opinion.

Simultaneously as I approach my front door music fills my ears louder and louder. It's not something I remember hearing or anything that resembles any music I have heard but it seems to have a strong base beat rhythm as well as catchy phrases that is sung going along with the melody. This music is something that's not going to be easily forgotten from my memory. Whilst the door opens it reveals Danny doing movements that are most peculiar and estranged in form, from any way of life within this town. Maybe this is the dancing that those stories spoke of, where one can let free their emotions and feelings by expressing them through their body in a medium of movement.

At first, he doesn't notice me, actually it takes a while for him to look at his surroundings or to recognise the fact that someone other than himself is occupying the same room. However, when he finally recognises the other body in the room, he stops dead in his movements to look at me as if a deer was caught in headlights or like he was caught doing something that is illegal, well I mean that's not very far off, it isn't illegal per say but is strongly against all beliefs and customs within this town. When he faces me only now do I realise he is in fact wearing my cooking apron on top of clothes, at least he is not shirtless this time, actually maybe it would be more entertaining with him being shirtless. During my observation of him earlier I notice he is holding a wooden spoon in his right hand that has some type of tomato-based sauce remaining on the end.

Again, with the awkward silence between us two, maybe this time it is due to the fact he was seen in an embarrassing moment that just happens to be something that doesn't seem anywhere near normal, well to me anyway. I can't keep having this go on especially if this is what the whole week is going to bring because I don't know how many more awkward silences I can last, but it definitely isn't going to be a whole week's worth. I believe that that will surely send me to my grave. Since it's only been two days well a day and a half and there have already been four awkward silences including this one. He can end this one considering I ended the others, I know that it sounds petty but seriously there is no way that I am going to break every awkward silence we have it just doesn't seem fair considering majority of the time from my perspective he seems to be the one that causes them and yes I know people would say well actually there's two parties involved to create an awkward silence anyway. Yes, while that's true, if he just stopped doing everything that is out of the norm then there would be no reason for this. Right? Now what am I thinking, since when have I ever cared about societal norms and why only now am I suggesting that people follow them? Is this guy, Danny, really the reason why my whole world is being turned upside down. How can one person have such control over another, surely it's impossible, or is it really me who is instigating everything subconsciously. I mean these are my own thoughts and no one has the ability to change them accept for me, Right?

Suddenly no music is drowning my ears and so I'm brought back from my thoughts to see him over by my stereo or what I call a stereo. "I was just having some music playing whilst cooking dinner and I got a little bit too into it. Sorry you had to see that although I'm surprised by your CD's it is all classical music except one which looks like it has never been opened before." What does he mean by classical music? Music is just music. There is no categories or sub-categories for that matter it is just a bunch of sound waves interacting with one another that compliment each other and comprise of multiple parts and sections within the one song, I think that is the correct word. Does it really matter though, because it still doesn't change the fact that I'm one hundred percent positive a little into it is the correct phrase to me it seems more like he got into it a lot. For some reason I can't seem to find the voice to speak my mind as people would say but I suppose no one would say that around here in this town of that I'm one hundred percent certain. However, all that my vocal cords put together is a simple "It is fine, really. Now what have you cooked for dinner?" I know I somehow like the guy; wait am I seriously admitting this right now, surely not but my thoughts are, aren't they. Getting back on track, I know that I want him to like me so that I continue his journey with him so that I can see the world or at least any place outside of this tiny town, but do I really need to play down my own thoughts and feelings or not even voice them at all to just appease him.

I need to back track a little didn't he say that he was cooking dinner, not going to lie it surprises me that dinner has been started as I normally only start so that dinner is ready around seven-thirty. All my mind can think of why dinner is being prepared so early but it could be a combination of two factors, whether it's just that I eat late or he eats early. Does it really matter though, dinner is ready anyway, it's not like we are having a debate on what time we should have dinner because it seems like Danny had already made that decision for the both of us. Before any more thoughts can process, he speaks up "It's spaghetti bolognaise, it's a classic, surely your taste buds have come into contact with this delicious dish before." Yet again here is another delicacy that people other than my family have at least tried, maybe it is a meal people eat regularly. Who knows? He must have gone to the convenience store earlier because I'm sure that I wouldn't have some of the ingredients let alone all because how can a person have ingredients for a dish, they have never had let alone have no idea how to make. "Actually no, I haven't had it before, isn't it a pasta dish? I can't imagine that I had all the right ingredients so I'm assuming you went to the store, did you do anything else in town today, how was the rest of your day?"

Before anything else he is heading towards the kitchen fast and when I mean fast, I really mean he's quicker than what I thought any human, or I suppose average human can move. What's making him move so swiftly? Also, it is exceptionally rude to leave in the middle of a conversation, doesn't he know that. Surely with how he interacted with me when we first met, he has some manners. Well I know he has manners considering how he acted whilst we were at the store together the other day. So what must have made him be so impertinent that he had to leave our conversation.

Moving my way into the kitchen upon first glance I see him pulling out a tray from the oven with some type of bread that looks like its been in the oven for a little too long with it starting to look burnt I suppose. "Well this is what I get for leaving the kitchen whilst cooking, I guess. I never should really leave food cooking whilst not keeping my eyes on it. At least the garlic bread was only a little burnt, its still edible, but it won't taste as good."

A bowl is then placed in front of me filled with noodle looking food with meat cooked in a red sauce with what looks like a type of cheese that I have never used or tasted before. Well, there is a first for everything I suppose. With fork in hand I guide the food to my mouth where the flavour of tomato, herbs and the wonderfulness hits me all at once. It is unlike anything I have ever tasted before, although it is wondrous to the senses, I feel that it is not the best meal in the whole universe however vastly tastier than anything I could cook for myself. Next to grace my taste buds with there presence was the garlic bread. It was somehow creamy and soft in the middle with a hard crunch on the outside a bit too crunchy if you ask me but that's probably because it was overcooked. Garlic bread is now my favourite food I believe, and it will now become a staple in my home.

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