Chapter 2

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'Day four,' she thinks to herself as she slowly and quietly scratches a mark into the floor with her cuff. She had been able to pick them off before Judar stole her metal vessel. That was a while ago and there had been no visits since. The hours bore on and on, the silence was deafening. 

The orange of the sun bled through the hallway of the cell holding, (Y/n)'s stomach groaned. It had been at least a day since they had brought some bread. Her mouth was dry and her brain fuzzy, whatever their goal here was, it was working. The burning in her throat burst into a cough, and soon she was holding herself up on the wall as she struggled to get her breathing under control.

Her arms and legs prickled and her wound festered. Where was Sinbad? He had to know what was happening. The annexing of her country, the murder of her father, her capture. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought of her father, it was hard to believe he was gone. 

Though he had never been around much, he still made the time he had to spend time with her. He took her in when Sinbad left her there, he taught her how to fight, how to cook. Everything he knew he had passed onto her, and she needed to remember the layout of the castle she was currently residing in.

So there she was, starving and scheming. There had to be a way out. In the dirt below her, she drew sigils over and over attempting to remember the spell she needed to break out of this cell. If she remembered correctly, the stairs at the end of the hall would lead to the cellar, and from there the castles' tunnel networking for emergencies. From there she would have to figure out where to go, but it would be easy if she got Tiras back— now there was at least part of a plan. She could work with that.

The sun's light began to dim as she sat in the darkening room. Seemed that they had forgotten all about her, Judar and Kouen.

A loud scraping sound startled (Y/n) out of her state and towards the cell gate, it was a guard. On the floor in front of her was a messy bowl of rice and a cup of water. She scrambled towards the cup gulping down the liquid greedily. She sighed, breathing heavily, "Thank you." The guard nodded, stoically walking from the room. 

 (Y/n) took her rice and sat down in the corner, eating it slowly. Then she noticed gleaming silver in amongst the pale white grains. It was her earring! She grabbed it out of the bowl quickly and pushed it into her earlobe, linking both ends of the metal together. She jumped to the cell to see if the guard was anywhere nearby, but there was no one. An opportunity had been given, now it was up to her to take it.

She finished off the rice to regain at least a bit of strength and proceeded to work out a plan.

"Tiras," She said, "I need your help."

A blue light softly glowed beside her, soon a small illusion of Tiras stood beside her, "What do you need my princess?" He whispered, "I assume we are still in danger?"

"Much so," She waved, "I need an illusion. Can you teach me a spell?" Tiras nodded and (Y/n) explained the purpose of the spell she needed to create a double of herself. And a second one to cloak herself from sight. "Remember that this spell only lasts a certain amount of time, if you run out of magoi you run out of power to keep up the illusion." 

Tiras placed his hand upon hers, transferring a sigil onto her palm, "This should give you enough time to get from cell to the tunnels, but no time can be wasted." (Y/n) nodded, and he continued and placed a different sigil on the wall behind her. Seconds later, a solid illusion of herself merged from the wall, she looked around and waved at (Y/n).

"That should distract them long enough for you to do so," He turned at looked at me, "Remember, tap the vessel 3 times to activate the spells. They will do so at the same time." Tiras wished her luck and disappeared back into the earring, leaving her alone. She did not have enough energy to equip her djinn but at least he could help. Now to wait for her next chance at escape.

Hours passed and the night turned colder, the stars began to shine from behind the clouds. (Y/n) anxiously awaited the moon's light to pass above the small window in the cell. Then she would pick the cell's lock and make way for the tunnels. As soon as even a sliver of light began to shine brightly her way, (Y/n) took her earring and with a press of her palm turned it into a pair of lock picks, she quietly unlocked the cell door. Her vessel back in her ear she opened it just enough to squeeze herself out.

As her finger rose back to her ear, she tapped three times. Feeling a warm sensation take over her body, she looked to the inside of the cell and saw her double nod at her. Now it was time to run. She was about to take her first step when she heard that loud and cocky voice.

"Where do you think you're going, princess?"

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