Chapter 1

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Dark energy surrounded like a choking, thick fog. The crawling pain of a burning wound in her side screamed at her to wake up as she felt the whipping sting of a cold wind on her cheeks. To her, it felt as though she was as close to the heavens as she could get. Every time the surface dipped, her stomach flew into her throat. But no matter how hard she tried, her eyes remained glued shut. Darkness overturned the pain as (Y/n) fell back into her unconscious. Unaware of her surroundings.

The unwilling keepings of chains jerked the (H/c) girl awake as her ankles crashed together with a loud 'clang'. Groaning, she pushed herself up, resting her body heavily on her elbow as her other arm pressed on her waist. Blood seeped out from the crippling wound, dripping onto the floor and staining her hand. Pushing herself onto her knees, she slowly crawled to the grey dark wall behind her and sat up gently, groaning as her back made contact with the cold stone.

A short-breathed sigh left her lips, Shit. Images of clashing swords and screams flooded her head, the smell of smoke deeply inlaid in her tunic. Oh . . . by the Gods . . . we lost. She ran her free hand in her hair, gently tugging to relieve the oncoming headache. Her head flew back against the wall with a hard thud.

Soft clicks of footsteps echoed in the cell-hall, (Y/n) opened her eyes - her sight fuzzy from exhaustion, "I see you've woken up," A familiar, emotionless voice rang, "I was beginning to think you would not." Kouen stood firmly on the other side of the cell bars, his shoulder wrapped tightly beneath his informal robes.

"Bastard." (Y/n) croaked, glaring holes into his head. A small scoff escaped him as he took a step back, allowing a few people to unlock the gate and come in, "What is this?" she asked, curling herself further into the wall.

"Medical assistance," He replied, "You've got quite the wound there." He sat down onto a bench in the cell. The servants set down a large basket.

"And who do I have to thank for that?!" (Y/n) snapped, stubbornly allowing the servant to remove her tunic. She looked over her shoulder and stared at the floor. Thoughts racing angrily.

"I know you wish to know the fate of (C/n)," Kouen started - a servant softly pushed (Y/n) down, cutting off the bandages around the wound, "That will be decided later tonight, after a general war meeting." She said nothing, for she had many things to say but none of them worthwhile. He continued, "We successfully claimed (C/n) for the Kou Empire, so either one of two things will happen. We integrate our system into the land or we burn it and build from the ground up. That will be decided later on as well."

His words echoed through her head as the burning feeling poured over the wound, "What do you hope to achieve by destroying the lives of thousands?" She snarked, breathing in sharply as a needle began to stitch up the short, but deep wound.

"Unanimous peace."

"Right," (Y/n) coughed, rolling her eyes. "And what is to come of me?"

"You are to remain here as a prisoner of war," He started, "But I will assure you-"

"No." She shook her head, "No. I will not be locked up in a cage like an animal. What has my father said of this?" Fresh bandages were wrapped around her waist, "Are you to hold this as blackmail over his head?" Kouen's demeanour changed, he stood silently.

Something switched off in (Y/n)'s head, "What?! What is it that you're not telling me?!" She yelled, overwhelmed by emotion, "What is it?!" A fresh tunic was pulled over her head as she stumbled to her feet, earning many harsh murmurs from the servants as they picked up the wrappings and the bloody tools - walking from the cell. Kouen stared into her eyes, and the world began to slow around her as the words left his mouth.

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