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Weeks went by and Rebecca was feeling better and better among her new friends, her grades were improving quite a bit and her relationship with her mother was also going quite well.

Today was Rebecca's birthday and only her mother and Ashley knew about it. Ashley had become her best friend, they spent almost every afternoon together, whether it was at Rebecca's house, at her house or with the rest of her friends, and they had found out about Rebecca's birthday a week before. Even though Rebecca asked her not to tell the rest of her friends, as she didn't want to do anything special that day, Ashley couldn't help but inform the rest of her friends.

Even though she didn't want anything special that day, when Rebecca went downstairs for breakfast before leaving for school her mother surprised her with her favorite freshly baked cake on the table.

-Happy birthday my baby girl, my mother I can't believe my baby is already 16 years old.

-Mom, I said I didn't want anything special.

-It's just a cake, come blow out the candles and make a wish, said Annette.

-Wait! Annette said as Rebecca was about to blow out the candles on her birthday cake.

-What? Rebecca asked.

- Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday I wish you Rebecca, Happy birthday-, Annette sang.

-Mom! This wasn't necessary, said Rebecca.

After blowing out the candles and taking a piece of cake Rebecca was about to leave for school when her mother interrupted her.

-Mom, I'm going to be late, said Rebecca.
-Just one more thing, here, open it, Annette said to her daughter handing her a box wrapped in light blue wrapping paper with a yellow ribbon.

Rebecca opened her gift and found a brand new laptop computer.

-Mom! Rebecca said excitedly.

-Yours is getting too old and with this one you can talk to Dad and Richard all you want, said Annette.

-Thank you so much mom, I love you.

-I love you too, my little girl.

After her mother's surprise, Rebecca continued her day as normal, not knowing what would happen this afternoon. School was over and Rebecca was on her way with Ashley to her favorite coffee shop, 329 Caffe. Her friends had discovered this place for her, it was the meeting place for friends. Ashley had told her that it would be just the two of them that afternoon, but when they arrived at the coffee shop Rebecca found all her friends there, Pam, Mercy, Jon, Joe, Claudio, Colby and Fergal.

-Happy Birthday! shouted her friends in unison.

-How did you know? Becky asked her friends as she looked sideways at Ashley and Ashley tried to hide.

-Yes, yes, I told her, but I couldn't let it go, said Ashley.

-Birthdays should always be celebrated, said Pam, jumping up and down with joy.

All the friends hugged Rebecca and sat down on one of the sofas in the cafeteria. They spent the rest of the afternoon laughing, talking about many things, drinking coffee and tasting a delicious cake that had been prepared especially for their friend in the cafeteria.

AN:I know I haven't published anything for a long time, but I've had a lot of work and no time for anything, soon there will be more, meanwhile give me lots of love and leave me in the comments what you think, I read you.

New lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora